
Friday, December 17, 2010

Feng Shui and the Holidays

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TOPIC: Feng Shui and the Holidays

QUESTION: How do I overcome the holiday blues at this time of the year. Am I the only one who gets down?

ANSWER: NO. It's a known fact that more than 50% of the world population experiences some form of grief or depression between November 15th and December 31st of the calendar year.

Rightfully so too.

This year alone, we have lost hundreds of thousands of lives due to natural causes, catastrophic diseases, accidents, horrific earth and sea disasters, along with loss of lives due to war.

In addition, this year, economic chaos ushered in tremendous hardship for millions of Americans and global citizens worldwide. While many people, businesses and financial institutions have prospered in phenomenal ways, others have lost ground and self-worth in countless other ways.

Unfortunately, the season IS a mixed bag of blessings and sadness for all. Nonetheless, it's the perfect time of year to be GRATEFUL to be alive, to be THANKFUL for the people in our lives, and to CHERISH the memory of those who will forever be a part of our lives. Because there is no separation in energy, every human life and every human loss affects us at a deep heart and emotional level, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Thus why it is important to Feng Shui, and to update the Feng Shui of your home and office on an annual basis to stay in BALANCE.

As a New Year's gift to you, I will provide you with F.REE remedies and enhancements for your home and office for 2011... via a podcast in January.

Until then, on behalf of everyone at FENG SHUI PARADIGMS, I wish you a New Year of REJUVENATION, HAPPINESS and PEACE.

Suzee Miller

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Visit us on the web at http://www.fengshuiplaza.com/ or http://www.fengshui4re.com/

800.499.7844 or 800.730.6177

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Feng Shui Bathrooms and Mirrors

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TOPIC: Feng Shui Bathrooms and Mirrors

QUESTION: How do I cure the bathrooms in the center of my house on the first and second floors?

ANSWER: Unfortunately, short of moving, it's usually cost prohibitive to relocate bathrooms. The best interim thing to do is to BEAUTIFY the bathrooms and keep all drains and toilet covers/lids closed.

By the way, in Classical Feng Shui, if your home is in a 20 year lock - a bathroom can actually be a good thing!

QUESTION: How do we make and keep friends?

ANSWER: How thoughtful, understanding, caring and "generous" are you with your time, actions, words and gifts?

True friends usually personify GENEROSITY in several of the above or more ways. So if you find yourself without friends or have difficulty keeping them, then you might want to examine how generous you are as a person.

QUESTION: I love your website http://www.fengshuiplaza.com/ and your e-newsletters! My question is about protection, which I believe is No. 2 (after clearing clutter) and before No. 3 (enhancements). Any suggestions for personal and property (house, office, car, RV) protection from crime and/or accidents?

ANSWER: What we hold in consciousness we usually become or become witness to ... in our lives. Thus it is important to SPACE CLEAR our fearful thoughts, weekly as well. The Feng Shui will take care of the rest!

QUESTION: We moved into a new home and in our master bedroom are closets with mirrors on them. We cannot re-design at this time. What remedies can you suggest for the time being?

ANSWER: You can cover them while you sleep or open the mirrored wardrobe closet door closest to your head to get improved restful sleep.

QUESTION: How can I overcome my financial problems?

ANSWER: I suggest reading THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill in conjunction with the Feng Shui of your home, office and garden.

QUESTION: I am a metal snake, Kua 1, East group ... what color should my front door be - it faces east?

ANSWER: The color of a house is determined by the "sitting" direction. The color of the front door is determined by the "facing" direction. An East facing front door can be any color other than the FIRE element - RED!


TRUTH & TIPS Subscriber Comment

"Thank you for continuously providing hope and new tools to help me “strive to survive” this crazy market! I honestly wouldn’t have made it through this year without you guys! May you and yours enjoy beautiful holidays filled with Love, Laughter, Peace and Happiness!

Warm Regards,"

Cindy Farney


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Stay in BALANCE now and throughout the coming year, with Feng Shui,

Suzee Miller

Author * Educator * Consultant
800.499.7844 or 949.595.8873/outside North America




800.499.7844 or 800.730.6177

Monday, December 6, 2010

Go for the GOLD with Feng Shui

Click here to listen to Suzee while you read or work

Don't let Black Friday get you down!

Now you can enjoy GOLD "everyday" with us through January 31, 2011...!

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You are welcome to shop online with us
as many days as you like between now and the end of January 2011.

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This GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY includes a 50%
savings on ALL of our CD and downloadable educational products.

SHOP SMART - Click here to get started - Today!

Help those you care about stay in BALANCE and ABUNDANCE
with Feng Shui,

Suzee Miller and Staff

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P.S.S. Make sure PASS IT FORWARD - together we can make a difference!!

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