
Friday, December 17, 2010

Feng Shui and the Holidays

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TOPIC: Feng Shui and the Holidays

QUESTION: How do I overcome the holiday blues at this time of the year. Am I the only one who gets down?

ANSWER: NO. It's a known fact that more than 50% of the world population experiences some form of grief or depression between November 15th and December 31st of the calendar year.

Rightfully so too.

This year alone, we have lost hundreds of thousands of lives due to natural causes, catastrophic diseases, accidents, horrific earth and sea disasters, along with loss of lives due to war.

In addition, this year, economic chaos ushered in tremendous hardship for millions of Americans and global citizens worldwide. While many people, businesses and financial institutions have prospered in phenomenal ways, others have lost ground and self-worth in countless other ways.

Unfortunately, the season IS a mixed bag of blessings and sadness for all. Nonetheless, it's the perfect time of year to be GRATEFUL to be alive, to be THANKFUL for the people in our lives, and to CHERISH the memory of those who will forever be a part of our lives. Because there is no separation in energy, every human life and every human loss affects us at a deep heart and emotional level, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Thus why it is important to Feng Shui, and to update the Feng Shui of your home and office on an annual basis to stay in BALANCE.

As a New Year's gift to you, I will provide you with F.REE remedies and enhancements for your home and office for 2011... via a podcast in January.

Until then, on behalf of everyone at FENG SHUI PARADIGMS, I wish you a New Year of REJUVENATION, HAPPINESS and PEACE.

Suzee Miller

Click the "I LIKE" button on our Facebook Fan page to receive Feng Shui photos and updates - weekly

Visit us on the web at http://www.fengshuiplaza.com/ or http://www.fengshui4re.com/

800.499.7844 or 800.730.6177

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Feng Shui Bathrooms and Mirrors

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TOPIC: Feng Shui Bathrooms and Mirrors

QUESTION: How do I cure the bathrooms in the center of my house on the first and second floors?

ANSWER: Unfortunately, short of moving, it's usually cost prohibitive to relocate bathrooms. The best interim thing to do is to BEAUTIFY the bathrooms and keep all drains and toilet covers/lids closed.

By the way, in Classical Feng Shui, if your home is in a 20 year lock - a bathroom can actually be a good thing!

QUESTION: How do we make and keep friends?

ANSWER: How thoughtful, understanding, caring and "generous" are you with your time, actions, words and gifts?

True friends usually personify GENEROSITY in several of the above or more ways. So if you find yourself without friends or have difficulty keeping them, then you might want to examine how generous you are as a person.

QUESTION: I love your website http://www.fengshuiplaza.com/ and your e-newsletters! My question is about protection, which I believe is No. 2 (after clearing clutter) and before No. 3 (enhancements). Any suggestions for personal and property (house, office, car, RV) protection from crime and/or accidents?

ANSWER: What we hold in consciousness we usually become or become witness to ... in our lives. Thus it is important to SPACE CLEAR our fearful thoughts, weekly as well. The Feng Shui will take care of the rest!

QUESTION: We moved into a new home and in our master bedroom are closets with mirrors on them. We cannot re-design at this time. What remedies can you suggest for the time being?

ANSWER: You can cover them while you sleep or open the mirrored wardrobe closet door closest to your head to get improved restful sleep.

QUESTION: How can I overcome my financial problems?

ANSWER: I suggest reading THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill in conjunction with the Feng Shui of your home, office and garden.

QUESTION: I am a metal snake, Kua 1, East group ... what color should my front door be - it faces east?

ANSWER: The color of a house is determined by the "sitting" direction. The color of the front door is determined by the "facing" direction. An East facing front door can be any color other than the FIRE element - RED!


TRUTH & TIPS Subscriber Comment

"Thank you for continuously providing hope and new tools to help me “strive to survive” this crazy market! I honestly wouldn’t have made it through this year without you guys! May you and yours enjoy beautiful holidays filled with Love, Laughter, Peace and Happiness!

Warm Regards,"

Cindy Farney


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Stay in BALANCE now and throughout the coming year, with Feng Shui,

Suzee Miller

Author * Educator * Consultant
800.499.7844 or 949.595.8873/outside North America




800.499.7844 or 800.730.6177

Monday, December 6, 2010

Go for the GOLD with Feng Shui

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Don't let Black Friday get you down!

Now you can enjoy GOLD "everyday" with us through January 31, 2011...!

Simply input the word - J O Y - at check-out,
and receive 50% OFF your total purchase!!!

You are welcome to shop online with us
as many days as you like between now and the end of January 2011.

Feel free to share this SAVINGS with as many people as you like!

This GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY includes a 50%
savings on ALL of our CD and downloadable educational products.

SHOP SMART - Click here to get started - Today!

Help those you care about stay in BALANCE and ABUNDANCE
with Feng Shui,

Suzee Miller and Staff

P.S. Remember to input coupon/code word - J O Y - to Save 50%
P.S.S. Make sure PASS IT FORWARD - together we can make a difference!!

Click here to Shop Smart this Holiday Season

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Feng Shui Website Colors!

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TOPIC: Feng Shui Website Colors!

QUESTION: How does one use Feng Shui where he lives if he does not own the home, but he is residing with his brother in the home that he owns?

ANSWER: If your brother does not give you permission to Feng Shui his house, then Feng Shui your room by dividing it into 9 equal guas. It's helpful to Feng Shui the rest of the property using a "vision" or white board as well.

QUESTION: My business partner and I work buying minerals (Ulexite, Manganese) and re-sell it (we export). Could you please tell me what colors should we use in our web page?

ANSWER: Since minerals come from the earth, I recommend using a "soft" earth tone background on your web pages, and then lift the chi (pop it) by using mineral and gem stone colors.

QUESTION: My garage is attached to the house but it has a separate roof and the only way to enter or exit is through the actual garage door. Would this be counted in my whole house Ba-gua?

ANSWER: The garage is included only if it cuts into the floor plan of the house. If it's totally outside the main house or floor plan, do not include it in the Ba-gua when you Feng Shui.

QUESTION: I work in a open office space with three other people. I would like to protect myself front, back and on the sides. How can I use Feng Shui to improve and protect myself?

ANSWER: Depending on the balance of elements in your office environment, I recommend cubicle dividers, tri-fold screens, tall plants and/or free standing water walls as an artful way to accomplish this goal.

QUESTION: I am an educator. I would like to ensure that I get yearly promotions at least for the next three years. How can I do that because in my work review I had always gotten performing above and beyond expectation?

ANSWER: No amount of Feng Shui can hurdle city, county, province, state and/or federal cut-backs in spending. Nonetheless, it does not hurt to set the intention for promotion in the KNOWLEDGE and FAME/FORTUNE gua areas of your office or classroom. However, for true recognition and appreciation, I would encourage you to stay educated in your field of expertise and to embrace news ways of providing the highest and best service possible to those you serve.

QUESTION: To increase my income is it better to schedule a consultation for my home or office? Can I do both?

ANSWER: More than 75% of our clients consult with me on both. However, to start, I recommend a 2 hour office/business consultation if your desire is to INCREASE your sales, income and free time now and in the future. If you are not in sales and/or you are experiencing health or relationship problems, then I would definitely start with your home first!

ASK a Feng Shui Question of Your Own!

Click here for FREE gift certificates!!!

Book a Feng Shui Consultation and SAVE 50%!!

Stay in BALANCE now and throughout the coming year, with Feng Shui,

Suzee Miller

Author * Educator * Consultant
800.499.7844 or 949.595.8873/outside North America


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Feng Shui Truth and Tips that Work!

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TOPIC: FENG SHUI Truth and Tips that Work!

QUESTION: I am running a foster home, how do I attract more children?

ANSWER: The word "running" a foster home sounds more like a business than a heartfelt desire to help children. Until the opposite is true, no amount of Feng Shui can help you attract more children as your goal is in opposition to the core principles of Feng Shui.

QUESTION: Hi Suzee, I'm a divorced 50 year old woman. I already bought the cd for Mother Earth and the problem is that the only way I can place my bed is touching the east wall and I understand that this is why I have not been doing that good since I moved to this house. Please tell me what to do?

ANSWER: Simply sleep with your head at the foot of the bed, and protect yourself with a screen or footboard while you sleep. OR, move your bed to a more favorable headboard wall. Also, I recommend listening again, and again, to your element audio for other "clues" as to why you may not be doing good in life as well.

QUESTION: Dear Suzee, my house main door is situated lower than the main road. Any problem?

ANSWER: NOT ALWAYS is the best answer I can give you. It depends on environmental factors, location and the type of house you occupy in terms of Classical Feng Shui, as some homes require a mountain or higher earth on the facing side as a remedy!

QUESTION: I am renovating my house, and I need a stair to the attic/mezzanine floor, how many steps is ideal for a stairs?

ANSWER: Usually an odd number of stairs is indicated, however this depends more on "architecture and safety" than on good or bad Feng Shui!

QUESTION: My husband was born on 02/23/1949 and I was born on 09/22/1949, we are totally opposites and never get along. Please let me know if we ever will.

ANSWER: Indeed you both are very POWERFUL elements - HARD METAL and FIRE. I have a lot of couple clients' like you and your husband, and they do beautifully together once they decide on who the "main" PEACOCK in the family is going to be! Keep in mind, more than one captain of a ship usually means mutiny - so the choice to be happy or boss, is ultimately your own.

QUESTION: Hi Suzee... If there is one item you would suggest every bedroom should have to bring about perpetual good luck, happiness and joy what would it be?

ANSWER: I believe the (appropriate) use of "symbols" in Feng Shui "subliminally and visually" program our conscious and unconscious mind in POSITIVE ways. Therefore, I suggest adding "pairs of things" in bedrooms such as: 2 candles, 2 hearts, 2 birds, or two of whatever brings you JOY and HAPPINESS. Pairs represent PARTNERSHIP or JOINING... the essence of love and good fortune. Also to promote peace and prosperity, it's important to create subtle "elegance, beauty and balance" using the 5 elements, like in the lovely master bedroom photo below.

Submitted by clients' in Florida after a phone consultation with Suzee


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Monday, November 8, 2010

No Separation in ENERGY

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TOPIC: There is No Separation in ENERGY

FENG SHUI TRUTH: Feng Shui is not about astrology, superstition, religion, philosophy nor is it an occult practice. Feng Shui is the study of ENERGY and how energy impacts our lives, relationships, health, listings, careers and the world at large.

If we accept the theory that we live in a Holographic Universe with no separation in "visible and invisible" energy, then we must also acknowledge and accept that fear, anger, jealousy, hatred and/or indifference towards life, our partners, and brothers and sisters on the planet - is what will be mirrored back to us.

Thus, when we court "negative" energy whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual or mental, our environment becomes a fertile breeding ground for hardship, anxiety, conflict, war and problems of every nature.

Likewise, if we live with sharp, uncomfortable or shabby furnishings, chaos, dissonant music, loud noise, offensive odors, and other irritating elements in our environment (Sha Chi), our lives and communication will eventually mirror the same.

On the other hand, when we free ourselves of toxic clutter in our internal and external environment, and surround ourselves with POSITIVE life force... we also give other people and countries permission to do the same thing as well... as there is NO SEPARATION in ENERGY!

FENG SHUI TIP: For the next 7 days, "monitor" your thoughts, conversation, tone of voice, and actions, and "listen carefully" to what YOU are trying to tell YOU... about your life and the world.

FENG SHUI INTENTION: I create PEACE, HARMONY AND BALANCE in everything I say, act and do. I take responsibility for the quality of my life, relationships and the world at large.

Dear Suzee,

I am very happy we spoke yesterday. It's amazing how natural it feels to me regarding the new business approach we discussed and my developing product line; all wonderful changes in my life. Our conversations, have empowered me to move forward with clear understandings, renewed passion and inspiring visions, every time we speak. I look forward to our next consultation.

Linda Little
Business Entrepreneur

Friday, October 29, 2010

Feng Shui and MONEY!!

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TOPIC: Feng Shui and MONEY!

QUESTION: The comfort room (toilet) is on the second floor of the building and underneath is my office, is that okay?

ANSWER: It is not a problem. However, the Chinese consider it bad Feng Shui to have a Kitchen located below a bathroom, as WATER puts out FIRE.

QUESTION: Due to hail damage, we have been advised to have the roof of the house replaced. When is a good time to do this year?

ANSWER: Anytime a new roof is required is a good time to replace it!

Yes, in Feng Shui there are days that are better than others, but this applies to issues such as surgery, moving dates, weddings, burials, new business ventures, weddings, ground breaking, grand openings, buying property, signing contracts, worship, business opportunities etc.

QUESTION: No matter what I do I am stuck. I can't seem to move forward, and you say money is not important, but without it I can't move forward - I feel like I am waiting for something, that there is more to do. I feel an anxiety that is just there and nothing happens. What can I do to find out whatever it is I am supposed to do?

ANSWER: On the contrary, money is VERY important - none of us can live without it! However, the LOVE OF MONEY or chasing after money, is what causes one to feel anxiety and fear. It's also the tell-tale sign of a "controlling" personality.

On the other hand, people who meditate, journal, pray and set intention on a daily basis have learned to LET GO. It's here, in the gap between our thoughts, that we are able to tap into the answers we seek ... within.

Below is a photo of our client's home office.
JoAnn updates the Feng Shui of her home with us, annually.

Feng Shui Office

Thank you so much Suzee for my yearly review consultation.
I enjoy reviewing my home environment and the changes necessary to improve the balance in my life.
I find I am more in tune with changes in the energy around me since you and Feng Shui have come into my life.
I find now with my balanced life, my intentions come forthwith. I'm having my best year ever in business.
It is amazing to see things happen so easily and effortlessly. I lost 50 POUNDS in the last 12 months.
I am so energized today after our consultation and excited to put the remedies in place.
I love it, and I love you for showing me the way!!

JoAnn VISAretis
Toronto - Ontario, Canada

Click here to Feng Shui your HOME or OFFICE via a Consultation with Suzee

Click here to ASK a Feng Shui Question

Friday, October 22, 2010

FENG SHUI Fountains, Business & Real Estate!

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TOPIC: FENG SHUI Fountains, Business & Real Estate!

QUESTION: In the past two months I have received 3 water fountains (all for my birthday!!). My question is where should I put them to bring maximum effect in Feng Shui?

ANSWER: Generally speaking if you are the WOOD or WATER element, several fountains in an exposed environment can nourish you. On the other hand, if you are the element METAL or FIRE too many fountains can deplete your CHI, and if you are an out of balance EARTH element person, it can sometimes destroy your life force, as your body energy has to work overtime to dam the water. Again, LESS IS MORE unless you know more Feng Shui!

QUESTION: Where do you put religious icons? Such as Rosary Beads, prayers and statues of saints? I see you mentioned not to put them in the bedroom so where do you put them? Walk in closet? Kitchen?

ANSWER: Yes, those areas will work; however, I would also focus on specific gua areas of your home and land such as the SPRITUALITY & KNOWLEDGE and HEALTH & FAMILY guas.

QUESTION: I have been working at a firm for the last 4 years as a manager, but I have noticed being friendly to my staff has affected my position they are not respecting me and they are trying to over throw me from my position. Please advise!

ANSWER: It's important to be supportive and flexible with co-workers. However, it's equally important for you to honor your position; once you do, your staff and co-workers will too! To help turn your existing situation around to the POSITIVE, I would focus on raising the CHI in the FAME & FORTUNE and KNOWLEDGE GUA areas of your office.

QUESTION: I placed my house and office up for sale. Could you advise me what can I do to have a fast sale?

ANSWER: In ascending order, you will learn "more and more" valuable information, techniques, tips and real estate sales and marketing strategies in the following educational products: COLOR YOUR LISTINGS SOLD, FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT, FENG SHUI CERTIFICATION.

QUESTION: I am in love with the science of Feng Shui. Living at Gudja - MALTA GDJA1090. I'm Emma, my husband Angelo, my children, Abigail and Jonathan, wish to bring my potential out. How do we do that?

ANSWER: I recommend the last two products listed above. Although originally created to help architects, builders and real estate professionals market and sell property faster, what people soon learned was that when the same principles and techniques were applied to their own homes and offices, almost magically, their lives and careers IMPROVED overnight ...!

QUESTION: Suzee, I own an 1892 Queen Anne Bed & Breakfast with over 5,000 square feet. How do I Feng Shui the whole space. It is important to keep the positive energy going as we enter the slow time and we need to increase our business.

ANSWER: The same answer above applies.

Feng Shui SUCCESS Story

"Things are VERY busy for me and for Bill.

I just took another two listings this week. My track record for days on market and list price to contract price has been amazing since learning how to Feng Shui and stage property your way! I have a lot of business on the books for the year, and have stayed very busy selling my listings quickly. IT'S A GOOD LIFE!

Thanks for all your help and encouragement!
Looking forward to my annual consult with you on Thursday."

Peggy Oremland
Feng Shui Certified REALTOR®
RE/MAX Premier
Fairfax, VA

Monday, October 18, 2010

Feng Shui Room Locations

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TOPIC: Feng Shui Room Locations

QUESTION: Below our bathroom, on the second floor is the first step of our stairs. I just want to know if it is good or bad?

ANSWER: It is not a problem unless the ceiling leaks! :)

QUESTION: I'm thinking about putting a water fountain by the front door of my business. It will be to the left of the door as you walk in. Any thoughts or suggestions as to what I should be cognitive of?

ANSWER: When applying Western principles to Feng Shui, I find it doesn't matter where the placement of water is made. However, when incorporating CLASSICAL remedies and enhancements to a property it is an important consideration as to whether or not water is recommended. This school of Feng Shui is called Lo-Shu Flying Stars, and requires a Feng Shui consultation to determine whether or not the water element is harmful or beneficial to the occupants.

QUESTION: We have a study in the centre of our home. Is this okay?

ANSWER: It's perfectly okay.

QUESTION: I am building a house on a wetlands conservation area. Which direction is best to locate the master bedroom?

ANSWER: The best answer is not simple; it actually requires a ONE hour phone consultation to determine. However, for starters, you can learn some very important information that you can apply right away by listening to your Feng Shui Element. If married, you will want to listen to your partner's element audio too. Check it out here.

QUESTION: Which is most important, the direction I face or not having my back to my office door?

ANSWER: I know I go against 90% of the books written on the subject, but I sincerely believe the direction one faces while working is more important. Remedies or cures can be done to correct having one's back to a door, but little can be done to stop the loss of POSITIVE "magnetic" energy!

QUESTION: How do I know what I buy from the market are genuine Feng Shui elements?

ANSWER: When Feng Shui is done properly, you will rarely need to buy anything other than metal, water and fire (red) items!

QUESTION: How do you "blend" the different elements of a family in a home? Husband is Hard Wood, wife is Mountain Earth and son is Hard Metal.

ANSWER: Very carefully! If you are approaching Feng Shui on your own, just make sure to honor each person's best sleep directions for starters. Or, you can request a Feng Shui Consultation to harmonize and balance all element people in your living environment.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Feng Shui and POSITIVE Energy

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TOPIC: Feng Shui and POSITIVE Energy

QUESTION: What is beneficial for a student to have more concentration?

ANSWER: An uncluttered environment is critically important; it will not only support better concentration but also good study habits. Also, you will want to make sure to "lift" the CHI (energy) in the SPIRITUALITY/KNOWLEDGE gua of your study area, and to face your A+ direction while studying.

QUESTION: I intend to have a built in under my staircase for my shoe cabinet but my staircase is in the middle of the house which I understand is not so good Feng Shui.

ANSWER: As far as placement goes, it's neither good or bad to have a cabinet for shoes located at the heart of the house. Although a staircase in the heart of the house is considered "bad" in Western Feng Shui, 20% of the time it is considered GOOD placement in Classical Feng Shui!

QUESTION: How can I get positive energy into my house? Where do I hang my good luck money charm for my house?

ANSWER: Positive energy accumulates and expands in an "uncluttered" environment, so again - LESS IS MORE. As for MONEY luck "charms and symbols," in Western Ba-gua Feng Shui you will want to place them in the WEALTH gua, whereas in Classical Feng Shui they are not used at all.

QUESTION: When you say the headboard needs to face west for Soft Metal, does that mean if I were to sit up in bed, I'd be facing west?

ANSWER: No. It refers to the headboard wall, or when lying down in bed it's the direction the top of your head or scalp faces.

QUESTION: What do I need to do in my home to attract love (I'm staying in a studio apartment, so it's all in one)?

ANSWER: You will want to visit http://www.fengshuiplaza.com/ and click onto the free articles link. There you will find an article I wrote on the topic, spelling out many things you can do to IMPROVE and/or to attract love.

QUESTION: What can I do in Feng Shui to increase my self-worth. I seem to struggle with this at varying times and degrees in my life and it is exasperating me. I am currently not working after 20 years of successful careers - I know I jeopardized myself because I struggle with believing I am worthy of greatness in any aspect of my life. Anything you can say to guide me?

ANSWER: Thanks to this GREAT question, I wrote an entire article to respond to it! Click here to read it.

Click here to ASK a Feng Shui Question of your own

Click here to Schedule an HOME or OFFICE Consultation

If you are our customer or client, feel free to send us your Feng Shui SUCCESS story today!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Feng Shui and Animals/Mammals

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TOPIC: Feng Shui and Animals/Mammals

QUESTION: We are waiting for a response for a loan from the bank. How can Feng Shui help us to speed up the procedure?

ANSWER: I'm laughing out loud as I think about how much better off all of our lives would be if banks and financial institutions, along with Wall Street, believed in Feng Shui!!!

I'm afraid you are at the mercy of your bank. However, you might want to send them a bouquet of colorful flowers to help bring the environment into balance! Also, it doesn't hurt to set the INTENTION for a thorough, fast and beneficial closing on your loan. This intention should be placed in the "spirituality and knowledge" gua of your home and office.

QUESTION: My husband is a hunter of deer. In our home, on an interior wall facing south direction, there are 2 mounted deer heads, as well as a great horned owl and a fish. Do these mounted animals/mammals have a good or bad effect on our home?

ANSWER: Anything dead or dying looking, in one's environment, is considered "bad" Feng Shui. Also because we are ONE with everything in the Universe, a dead animal/mammal hanging on a wall does not bring us "inner" peace, harmony or joy - unless the viewer is the hunter.

Nonetheless, I realize people who hunt or kill fish for fun and/or show, do not view things in this light or may not even be consciously aware of how unnerving dead animals may be to loved ones and/or visitors. Thus, if your husband feels nourished and empowered by this placement, at least he picked the best wall for it, as SOUTH represents the fire element of which animals are part of ...!

QUESTION: How do I Feng Shui my house, the basement is small and very cluttered as I just moved and have no place to store all my things? Also my bedroom is small and very cluttered.

ANSWER: The starting point of Feng Shui begins with the removal of clutter. If you do not have space, it's either time to LET GO of things or store them off-site, so you can begin to Feng Shui your space from A to Z.

QUESTION: If I am Hard Wood and my husband is Mother Earth, how do we make the layout of our bedroom, our office, etc. work for both of us?

ANSWER: Your sleep directions are top priority, even if it requires that one of you sleeps sideways, diagonal or at the foot of the bed to achieve optimum health. The office is relatively easy, just make sure that each of you honors 2 or more of your good "vision" directions while working.

Click here to ASK a Feng Shui Question of your own

Click here to Schedule an HOME or OFFICE Consultation

Click here to submit YOUR Feng Shui SUCCESS Story...
please make sure to include your
full name, vocation and state/country... THANK YOU!



I would like to order Suzee's Certification course. The consultation I had with her for my property in West Virginia, after implementation of corrections she suggested, is under contract now! I will update Suzee on this in a separate email. Thank you!

Kirit Dave
Gem Manufacturing, IL

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Feng Shui and Kua Numbers

TOPIC: Feng Shui and Kua Numbers

QUESTION: I want to have a baby and have been trying for 5 months but still no positive results ... why?

ANSWER: There could be many reasons for your disappointment outside of Feng Shui. Please keep in mind that Feng Shui is not a magic cure all. Nonetheless, it can IMPROVE the prospects of many things, including conception.

From a Feng Shui perspective, you will want to honor your BEST HEALTH direction when making "whoopee". Also, conception is easier in the SE and WEST gua areas of your home in 2010. In addition, you will want to make sure that the CHILDREN and FAMILY GUA areas are kept clean, beautiful and secure inside and outside your home, and symbols of "baby/children" items are placed in these areas as well.

QUESTION: How can I increase my fame corner? I am a writer and need to enhance this part of my life. I need a book deal and a free flowing way to write.

ANSWER: FIRE or the color RED along with awards, or letters of recognition, are the proper placement for the FAME & FORTUNE gua area of your home and office. Aside from this, be careful what you ask for as the words ... "I NEED" ... is poverty consciousness speaking, and no amount of Feng Shui can hurdle emotional negation or lack of gratitude. Poverty consciousness can also stop the "effortless" FLOW of creativity and good fortune!

QUESTION: Hello, I've been making some research on my Kua number and my partner, he is 21.01.1979, and I am 1.02.1984, so I'm a little confused, because first of all I can't find the right number for us since people calculate differently. Please help us find our Kua numbers so we can see what are the best directions for us.

ANSWER: Visit www.chiquiz.com for the most accurate calculation of your personal Feng Shui ELEMENT (or Kua number).

QUESTION: Which room and direction if we have to start a new office?

ANSWER: This too is addressed in your Feng Shui ELEMENT AUDIO.

QUESTION: Since building a house with my partner, many things have gone wrong; relationship is very neutral, financial disaster, and many unexplained illnesses, and struggles we never had before. Is it because we have a missing place on SW areas in relationship sector or something else? All of this makes me tired, I have no energy to move out.

ANSWER: This can certainly be a contributing factor, so make sure to remedy the "missing" corner right away. However, a bigger consideration than this is usually failure to remedy the UNSEEN ENERGY of one's home, annually. This can be done either during a one-on-one consultation or by ordering our 2010 Feng Shui FORECAST, which provides "general" remedies and enhancements through February 3, 2011.

Click here to ASK a Feng Shui Question of your own

Click here to Schedule an HOME or OFFICE Consultation

Client Testimonial ...

Thank you so much for spending a lot of time with me today. I am so happy that I feel you found causes and solutions to my problems. I'm excited to get started on the remedies and enhancements to our home.

I look forward to my next consultation with you on my business in February.

With greatest appreciation.

Takami Hamadani

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Doors and Windows in Feng Shui

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TOPIC: Doors and Windows in Feng Shui

Feng Shui TRUTH: The RATIO of doors to windows, in a home, can affect BALANCE in a family's life.

Doors and windows are important in Feng Shui. They represent a "parent's mouth and a child's voice." If windows (childrens voices) out number doors (parents mouths) in a home, arguments among siblings and adults can arise. Also, rude behavior such as children talking back to parents, acting out and/or displaying hyper activity can occur too. In addition, if "most" of the windows are larger in size than the doors, children can become defiant, get their way and/or ignore their parent's wisdom altogether.

Feng Shui TIP: Regardless of the size and ratio of doors to windows in your home, hang a bell or wind chime "near" (but not obstructing) entrance and exit doors, to create harmony and balance. This way when the door opens, and the chime sounds, the parental voice will be heard by all the windows ... children!

Feng Shui INTENTION: My behavior and integrity is stellar. I am in balance with my environment and with every member of my family.


"I am taking a TRIP ... a vacation!!!!

I have already put the money down and am preparing myself for this great adventure to
The Mediterranean Islands of Malta, Gozo, and Comino. Thanks for helping me get to this point of life that I am actually planning a sacred trip and journey!

I cannot believe the progress I've made since working with you over the years. Not only do I feel in balance and have a personal life for the first time in countless years, but I'm also at my highest earning level since being in real estate! I wouldn't miss my annual consults with you for all the money in the world, nor would my children!!!

We love you Suzee!"

Jo Tidwell
ERA J. Tidwell & Associates

Friday, September 10, 2010

Feng Shui and LIFE

The below was sent to us compliments of Sofia and Mark Levine.

May you enjoy your apples and honey!!

May you find it easy to give and receive

May you know when to surrender, and do so with grace

May you remember that some people's lives are parched dry...
and be grateful for the abundance in yours

May you find beauty in unexpected places

May you carry your loads with ease amid sweetness

May you learn and teach well

May you move with as much joy and ease as you can

May your home be filled with fresh air and light

May your tense and angry times be short-lived...

so that you come back quickly to your comfortable ol' self

May you be startled and delighted by new beginnings

May you find your uniqueness

May you enjoy your friends

and hear beautiful music

May you come to the surface for air when you need it

May you take exquisite care of yourself

And may everything that hurts you also be a little funny too.

May you know the blessings of LOVE, LAUGHTER and

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

DATE: Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Hi Suzee,
WOW, AM I GLAD I CONSULTED WITH YOU!!! At your recommendation, I moved to the KW office 4 miles from my house. I got here yesterday and it feels so right. I am so happy!!! My phone is ringing off the hook, just like you said it would! I have gotten so many calls, leads, referrals; it's unbelievable given the phone didn't ring at all at the other location. I am excited and overwhelmed at the same time. My work space is wonderful and I am facing all my good directions now. I'm happy I had you Feng Shui my business card, signs and listing flyers too; I LOVE them!!! Also, I forgot to tell you Suzee, that having Feng Shui Certified REALTOR on my business cards and promo material has opened more doors and has gotten me more listings and "good" buyers than I could have ever imagined.

I can't thank you enough for all that you have enlightened me with over the years. I'll talk to you in November when I update our home for the new year."

Tini Nakashima
Feng Shui Certified REALTOR
Keller Williams Realty
San Diego, CA

CHIFUL office located in the CAREER Gua!
Feng Shui by Suzee Miller

"Dear Suzee,
In following your Feng Shui enhancements in our home I have felt so much less stress and anxiety in my life. I can honestly say that I am a different woman!

I just returned from Florida to see may parents on a mini-family reunion. Being away from my routine and home environment helped me REALLY appreciate how far I've come. The trip was THE BEST ever that I've had with my family; it was as if I was a different person.

In your certification course you said that your environment/home goes with you. I've never felt so balanced, abundant, calm -- with no or very little anxiety ... even with my 'clutter-bug' family members, and even with a 30-hour vs. a typical 7-hour journey home!! I even lost 2 pounds on a trip that I typically would have gained 5 or 6!

On my return, I got teary-eyed when I walked into my beautiful and balanced home. You are such a blessing in our lives! Thank you so much for helping Michael and I live life differently through Feng Shui and the wisdom you share. I'm learning so much in your certification study too.

We are looking forward to our next consult with you in October. We are now committed to updating the annual energy in home with you, as there is no way to describe the life enhancing improvement it has made in our lives.

A thousand thank yous,"

Maria Carter
Author of national bestselling book, Fall In Love With Your Life:
365 Love Notes for Romancing the Self-Critic Within
Founder and Publisher, Loving Magazine: Balance, Vibrance.. Bliss

REMINDER: Now available, Feng Shui Consultations via SKYPE, no matter where you live in the World!

DON'T let anything stand in the way of YOU enjoying an Abundant LIFE and CAREER,

Form School FENG SHUI


QUESTION: Are slab homes desirable designs for Feng Shui or should you have a basement?
ANSWER: YES, they are perfectly fine.

QUESTION: How do I Feng Shui a business card?

ANSWER: You will want to approach it the same way you would a room of a house, by overlaying the Ba-gua over the entire business card.

QUESTION: How can I meet an honest and exciting man to form a lasting relationship that will possibly lead to marriage?

ANSWER: Honest and exciting don't always come in the same package! So make sure to define on paper what an "exciting" man looks and feels like to you. Also, "possibly" ... the word and meaning of possibly ... conveys lack of clarity and conviction. I recommend you take the time to get in touch with what it is you truly want in a relationship and for your life BEFORE you start to Feng Shui!

QUESTION: Is having two windows in my money corner a good thing? If not what are some remedies?

ANSWER: Shedding "light" on WEALTH is a good thing; however, if the view out your windows is less than ABUNDANT or BEAUTIFUL, you will want to keep your windows covered and focus on creating a wealthier look inside.

QUESTION: My dressing mirror is in front of my bed which is not good Feng Shui. What is an alternative for this as I can't change the arrangement of the room.

ANSWER: If you value your health and well being, the easiest remedy is to remove the mirror from your dresser.

QUESTION: What is the most important factor in deciding for location, is a feel good experience sufficient?

ANSWER: There is no simple answer to this "good" question. The location of a house, as well as its floor plan, can make or break ones HEALTH, FINANCES, RELATIONSHIPS and/or CAREER. If you are not familiar with "Form School" Feng Shui, I recommend visiting www.FengShuiPlaza.com and check out ADVANCED FENG SHUI OF THE LAND.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Success With Feng Shui

DATE: Tuesday, August 17, 2010
MEMO: The following SUCCESS stories were received last week. The GOODNEWS IS ... this kind of Success can be YOUR OWN...!

"First, we want to thank you for all that you did for us during our consultation last year. So many wonderful things have happened within our family since then. We have been enjoying the new changes in our home very much.

I am not sure if you remember but, we were involved in a lawsuit against our builder at the time. With great thanks to you, we settled just days after our consultation! We had been in it for 2 1/2 years!!

Thank you Suzee...we are forever grateful. We're looking forward to consulting with you again in November."


Michelle and Rick Ptak

A Master Bedroom Suite located in "FRIENDLY RELATIONS"
Feng Shui by Suzee Miller

It has been a while since we last spoke. I feel I need to update you on what has been happening in our families lives. One of the concerns I had during my consultation was the behavior of my son.

Ty is 6 years old now, but in October when we consulted he was 5 and in kindergarten. We were dealing with a lot of behavioral issues that he was tested for and diagnosed with absolutely nothing but being a very strong willed child. He is Mother Earth element. I had changed his room around as you suggested and after the winter break for Christmas, he went back to school a changed child. We did not have to deal with the issues and no longer had the school calling us in regards to his outbursts!

Another change was our bedroom. It took a while for me to convince my husband to invest in a bedroom set but the day we placed the furniture on order my husband was offered a very good position with another company, an HE took it!!!

I'm enjoying and learning so much in your Certification course too."

Thank you for everything!

Crissy Sieber

South Dakota

Schedule a Feng Shui consultation before August 30TH, for anytime this year, and SAVE 50% when you set the date!

Enroll in Feng Shui CERTIFICATION "prior to" August 30th, and SAVE $950.00...!

To order CERTIFICATION on Lay-away or to get more information on a Feng Shui consultation, please contact Joyce Zook direct at 800.730.6177

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Feng Shui and ENERGY

Click here to listen while you read or work


Feng Shui and ENERGY

FENG SHUI TRUTH: Everything in the Universe is ... ENERGY

At the quantum level Feng Shui is about ENERGY. It is the study of how energy flows in, through and around our lives.

Feng (wind), can either embrace life like a gentle breeze or destroy life like a Tornado or Hurricane. Shui (water), can be gentle like a stream, still like a lake or the destroyer of life like a Typhoon or Tsunami. The visible (water) and the invisible (wind) forces in nature cannot be destroyed, they can however be transformed.

FENG SHUI TIP: Do not underestimate the visible and invisible forces of nature. Our bodies are comprised of 90% water, so without SHUI (water) we would die within days, and without FENG (wind - breath), we would die within minutes.

FENG SHUI INTENTION: I am ONE with the visible and invisible forces of nature ... Wind and Water. I live life in Balance and Harmony.

CHINESE PROVERB: Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.


This AUGUST 2010 is the LAST TIME our "self-study" Feng Shui Certification course will be made available to the public - at a 50% discount savings.
It is also the last month that we will be offering this educational program on lay-away,
at ZERO PERCENT financing.
Effective September 1st, Certification will return to its regular fair market price.

Click here if you wish to SAVE $950.00 DOLLARS at check-out.
This final sale offering includes F.REE shipping and handling to anywhere in the world

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Feng Shui and Motion

Click here to listen while you read or work

Feng Shui and MOTION

Feng Shui TRUTH: Motion moves Chi…ENERGY

Place items in your side and back yards that create motion and that have eye catching appeal. Examples: garden gazing balls, pinwheels, wind socks, hand painted garden stakes, windmills, wind chimes and/or light refracted objects/bangles.

Motion allows energy to flow, effortlessly, instead of getting stuck, static and/or chaotic. When energy flows gently, it embraces and supports every aspect of our lives. It also protects and shelters property from unwanted elements.

Feng Shui TIP: Creating motion in your garden lifts your spirit and creates the room for playful partners!

Feng Shui INTENTION: My life is full of colorful and radiant motion. I AM playful and receptive, giving and gracious. I AM a Universal ATTRACTANT of love, health and good fortune.

Chinese Proverb: When someone shares something of value with you, and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it.

Here are 6 pictures of European trucks whose trailers are decorated to look like the sides are missing and the products they are hauling are painted on the sides and back… Artwork in Motion!

This first picture is of a bottle of beer and looks so real, like it is coming out the side of the trailer

The second is of a canvas tote bag.

The third is of Pepsi cases and they are all stacked on the ceiling, and the bottom of the trailer is empty.

The fourth is of another truck with the windshield facing the back, a driver painted in the driver's seat looking back over his shoulder to appear like he is driving backwards.
The fifth one is of an aquarium with fish swimming in it.
The sixth one is of a bookshelf with books lined up in it and a post-it-note with an advertisement on it, probably for the company that sells the books.