
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to use a compass in Feng Shui

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TOPIC: How to use a compass in Feng Shui

Question: I have a daughter (3rd out of four daughters) who needs a boost in her love life and in her professional life --- she wants to change careers. How can I help her?

Answer: I would start by reading some F.ree articles published and displayed at www.FengShuiPlaza.com OR click onto the link on the left.

Question: There has been so much tension in our marriage for the last few months and it has negatively affected our 4 year old's behavior and happiness. How can we rid the negativity, short of moving?

Answer: If your home is out of balance and not properly Feng Shui 'd, it can contribute to stress, chaos and/or conflict. Children usually "act out" the unexpressed emotions of their parents. So, running away from a house, in my opinion, is not the best answer. I would start first with getting your environment in balance, and then consider meeting with a marriage/family counselor to improve your communication and love skills. In addition, it's important to let your child know that he or she is loved, each and every day!

Question: I am a dentist and I have a fish aquarium in my South West corner of my clinic which is embedded into the wall, is the Feng Shui position OK or is it bad for me?

Answer: In general WATER in the SW qua is auspicious (good) for money luck, unless the "unseen" energy for your particular office requires FIRE in the SW. To play it safe, I would add some red coral and/or gold or red fish to the tank to double insure!

Question: I am a Soft Metal. I know how to do many things but can't stay focused for a long period of time and get bored easily. Any advice?

Answer: In general, WEST group people are "multi-talented and multi-dimensional" and get bored faster than EAST group people, thus they tend to lose their focus faster too! Meditation, journaling and/or prayer upon wakening is the best way for you to center and ground your day. Also, as a WEST group person it is vitally important for you to do what you love, as money alone is not enough to satisfy your creative nature.

Question: Hi Suzee. I now have a compass, I just don't know how to position myself when I try to determine which one is the North, East, West or Southern part of our house. Where should I stand?

Answer: The easiest way to do this is to first determine the FACING (front) and SITTING (back) directions of your house first.

To determine the "sitting" direction of your home, I recommend standing 15 ft away - facing the front of your house. Next, align the compass with North and then focus on the "degrees" - the numbers on the compass directly in front of you. Make sure to take 5 readings walking the width of your property to make sure you get an "accurate" compass degree reading.

The opposite is true when determining the "facing" direction of a property - it's actually easier to stand in the backyard facing the house. It may sound a bit confusing at first; however, doing it this way will insure that your body is ALWAYS aligned with the property in question.

Make sure to reread this a few times so that you completely understand how and why this way works BEST. Once you determine the facing and sitting direction of your property, the other directions are easy to fill in!


"Thanks for your patience and coaching Suzee, as always, you're wonderful! I'm over the house in FL already. I'm so glad I did the Yeah/Nay consult with you yesterday. What a mistake that would have been to buy it with the "unseen" energy being so bad for Bill and me. Time to regroup!


Peggy Oremland
Virginia -January 2010

For a Residential or Commercial Feng Shui Consultation - click here now

It is NEVER too late to get your Home and Life in Order!

Suzee Miller


800.499.7844 or 949.595.8873

www.FengShuiPlaza.com or www.FengShui4RE.com

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


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TOPIC: Feng Shui FORECAST - February 2, 2010!!!

Every year Feng Shui Master Suzee Miller does a FORECAST seminar on Feng Shui for the New Year. This Teleseminar isF.R.E.E. to the first 100 callers.

The forecast covers "classical" Feng Shui; the UNSEEN or invisible field of energy that impacts our homes, offices, and lives.

Many of you have already written Suzee asking about 2010. Here are a few TRUTH & TIPS subscriber questions that she will address in her February 2nd Teleseminar call.

Will there be one key to financial success for 2010?

Which direction is the best area in our homes this year?

If an additional level is added to a home but the roof is not opened completely to the sky, does the home retain the original building date period or adopt a new one based on the remodel year?

How do you know which area is causing illness?

Where is the best place to conceive a baby this year?

How do you describe the general pattern of energy around the world in 2010?

What does the stock market look like in a metal Tiger year?

Is this a good year to find a marriage partner?

What is a 20 year lock?

What turn do you see housing and the economy taking in 2010?

Is the outlook brighter for real estate agents in America this year?

Why is the Feng Shui New Year different than the Chinese New Year?

Will 2010 be a better year than 2009?

Suzee will be answering the above questions and MORE! She will also be giving you "general" remedies and enhancements for your home and office ... based on two different approaches this year. Something altogether new!!!

Also, joining her this year are 3 couple clients' who have survived and thrived due to Feng Shui ... in 2009. Their personal journeys' from sickness, fear and darkness - to health, faith and prosperity, is remarkable and inspiring to behold.

Suzee's annual Feng Shui FORECAST call is definitely one seminar you do not want to miss!

CLICK HERE for information on how to access the call on February 2, 2010.

TRUTH & TIPS Subscriber's Comment

Hi I love your new website!
I saw Suzee in action once. She came to our office and did a consultation for an agent. Three weeks later that agent who was getting divorced, couldn't sell her product etc. had an unbelievable "blessing" ... She sold the product, changed companies to do development and went off on a cruise with her renewed husband. So I am a REAL believer in Feng Shui! I'm registering now for you 2010 call!!!

Elizabeth Laird

Click here to sign up for the 2010 FORECAST seminar call!!!

Visit our new website at www.FengShiuiPlaza.com

We are happy to have you join us!

Linda Milburn
Feng Shui Paradigms Staff Member

800.499.7844 or 949.595.8873

www.FengShuiPlaza.com or www.FengShui4RE.com

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

EMPOWER Your Life & Career in 2010

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TOPIC: EMPOWER Your Life & Career in 2010...!

Question: My husband and I are both West group people and live in a SW facing home. Both of our children are East group. Both of them never seem to reach their potential in anything, often having difficulties, and I can't get past the thought that East group children living in a West direction home are affected by their wrong direction. Your guidance would be much appreciated.

Answer: Yes they are affected, as the energy of the house is not compatible with that of their Feng Shui Elements. To help them, you will want to make sure that they honor their best sleep and study directions especially while using computers and even while watching TV and eating!

Question: What is my wealth location born in Puerto Rico?

Answer: It doesn't matter what neighborhood, city, territory, province, country or hemisphere you live in, the Ba-gua is used the same way. In addition, honoring your FOUR best directions is critically import to your health and success. If you don't know them, I suggest ordering your element audio located on the left.

Question: I am Mountain Earth and my husband is Hard Wood. Can you tell me what our favorable directions are? We have had some financial setbacks with our house facing North East (looking out the front door) which is on the market right now.

Answer: Each week I receive the same or similar questions over and over. I'm always happy to help people if something is not stated or needs further clarification If I can direct YOU to a program that will IMPROVE your Feng Shui skill and knowledge, I prefer to do this.

When it comes to QUESTIONS on "personal" Feng Shui Elements like the one above or - Are we compatible; How should I sleep; What direction should I face to improve my finances; Where should I place my bed; How do I improve my health; What's the best house for me; What are my favorable directions; etc.? I'm a firm believer it's time to EMPOWER yourself!

Click here to GET YOUR POWER BACK.

Question: Our family room extends 18 feet off the back of the house in the marriage sector. What does this mean for my marriage?

Answer: It depends on whether or not the protruding 18 feet is an extension or if it actually creates a missing corner. If it is an EXTENSION it will support partnerships and your marriage. However, if the protruding portion is more than 50% of the width of the house, it actually creates a "missing" gua (or more) that can effect your reputation and ability to make and keep MONEY. It's important to understand the power that physical structures and locations can have on our lives and those we serve.

If you are an ARCHITECT, BUILDER, REALTOR or STAGER - call Joyce Zook direct at 800.730.6177 and we will extend the 50% HALF OFF SALE pricing on CERTIFICATION thru the month of January. You are among the four professionals, in real estate, who cannot afford to "ever" know less than your peers or clients on the subject!


It's only been a month and I see changes happening already! I'm very excited about this new process and system of running my business. I've acquired an assistant, decluttered, started my color files, and made some improvements to my office setup. Still have more to do Suzee, however, already I see much improvement. Thank you so much for the follow-up. I really appreciate your training and expertise in helping me accomplish a determined goal of mine.

Carlene Blair

Click here to take a QUANTUM LEAP in your Career!

ASK a Feng Shui Question

Make sure to check out the links above for more valuable information,

Suzee Miller

800.499.7844 or 949.595.8873

www.FengShuiPlaza.com or www.FengShui4RE.com

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Ba-gua vs. Directions

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TOPIC: The Ba-gua vs. Directions

Question: How do you align the Ba-gua in your home to find the best direction for a given activity?

Answer: Best directions are not governed by the the Ba-gua. To keep things simple, once you know your "personal"Feng Shui Element and your 4 "best" directions, you will want to honor them "wherever and whenever" you sleep, eat, study, work and play.

Regarding the Ba-gua - different gua areas of the Ba-gua represent different LIFE stations. Again, keeping things simple, you will want to overlay the Ba-gua over the "majority" or if possible over your entire living space, based on the most accessed entrance door and begin to Feng Shui from there. Depending on one's space or lifestyle, this can be a front door, side door, a kitchen door or the garage door into one's dwelling!

Question: The home I have lived in for 20 years is a u-shaped home. Recently my husband was diagnosed with an illness that is a pre-illness, unless he changes diet, exercise. Is it a healthy home for us because of the u-shape? What can we do to enhance his health and mine too?

Answer: Depending on where the U-shape is located in a structure, this type of "physical" formation is typically hard on one or more of the occupants career, reputation, fame, fortune and/or health, as several gua areas are missing Also, because the heart of the property is missing, it can represent heartache, heart-break, or heart (pulmonary) related problems, although it's not limited to just this area of the body ... for the heart pumps blood throughout the body temple, therefore it can affect other organs (over time) as well.

From a Feng Shui perspective we are the properties we occupy. Thus setting AFFIRMATIVE INTENTION that we are "supported and empowered" by the space we occupy... is the best remedy for this shape of property. Also, creating an enclosure to contain CHI (energy) is important as well ... i.e. front or back privacy wall or gate.

Question: What is one significant change I can make in my office to increase my real estate business and get my phone ringing?

Answer: For a ton of empowering ideas I recommend listening to Feng Shui ABUNDANCE and/or reading a few articles atwww.FengShuiPlaza.com/articles.

Question: I have recently moved to a home that sits on top of a hill. The home sits the opposite of direction from the street, with the "back yard" looking back towards the street. Since this is a major view property, with the orientation being towards the view, do you treat it like a water front property as mentioned in your CERT course? Thanks, Nita.

Answer: YES ... RIGHT ON!

Question: I'm a soft metal but my apartment building is situated with the front door (and building) facing west and the back of the apartment sits east. Where is my power positions for increased finances and love in this apartment?

Answer: Refer to question #1 for the answer.

Question: Does a piano in the money section of the house cause bad luck?

Answer: No, not unless it is beat-up, broken, damaged and/or not operative!

Question: I can't move forward and can't seem to remove clutter can you help?

Answer: Too much clutter in one's environment can cause depression. I'm not a psychic, but 9 out of 10 times this happens to be the case. I'm also not a physician, but I would check with your's to see if you can take Sam-E, a natural antidepressant (vitamin, mineral, herb formula) that you can buy at Costco or at any health food store to give you a boost. Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith, a vegetarian, recommends eating a handful of RAW, ORGANIC CASHEW NUTS a day for depression. Evidently it has the same effect as one Prozac pill, but it's a lot less harmful to the body!

As a Feng Shui educator, I do know that you cannot move forward in life without first removing the CLUTTER in your environment. Given this, if you feel immobilized and cannot afford a consultation, I hope that you will do something HEALTHY for yourself to help open up new pathways of energy - opportunity.

Question: Suzee, what does real estate, finances, relationships and health look like for us in 2010?

Answer: My annual Feng Shui PREDICTIONS Teleseminar is scheduled for February 2, 2010! It's F.R.E.E. to the first 100 callers!!!

The Chinese New Year - The Year of the TIGER - falls on February 14th (Valentine's Day) this year; however, the SOLAR ENERGY that effects Feng Shui, shifts before then! So, make sure to mark your calendar now to join us on February 2nd. If you cannot make the call, other options will be provided later this month.

Question: Your sight has a new look! ... I like it a lot!!!

Answer: THANK YOU! We've worked very hard to provide you with the best Feng Shui website on the web. For those of you who have not benefited by it yet, make sure to check out all the links at www.FengShuiPlaza.com.

Thank YOU for Sharing!

Vince and I just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. We would like to thank you for the time you took to help Vince get me to wellness again. I am currently on the road to recovery and we are grateful for all your help. May you have a happy, healthy & prosperous New Year and may God Bless you ten fold!


The Miritello Family

Happy New Year to the best Feng Shui Master on earth! I hope everything is beautiful for you today and always. Thank you for being a guiding light and Angel in my life; I could not have made it without your council the last 2 years!

Karen Komenkul

Dear Suzee,
I personally want you to know that you bring so much love and light to the world ... you're like the Christmas Tree ... willing to share all you have learned with so many of us ... one new changed Chi and the world healing's begin for us all. Thank You. May the blessings keep spreading where ever you go.

Blessings of love,
Susan Lobendahn

ASK a Feng Shui Question


Suzee Miller

800.499.7844 or 800.730.6177

www.FengShuiPlaza.com or www.FengShui4RE.com