
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Feng Shui Home, Study & Real Estate

QUESTION: Is a house under or near a bridge good or bad?

ANSWER: A house located "near" depends on how close it is to a bridge. A home located under a bridge is not considered good (safe) Feng Shui.

QUESTION: How do I decorate using the five elements?

ANSWER: There are many ways to bring in the five elements. Here are a "few" - artwork, candles, fabrics, flowers and fruit.

QUESTION: I am a student and my life seems to have come to a standstill as nothing positive is happening. I am in a totally helpless condition please help.

ANSWER: First, I would check to see if anything is dead and/or dying in your interior and exterior environment, next you will want to clear away all clutter and debris in your study area, and concentrate on "lifting the chi" in your SPIRITUALLY and KNOWLEDGE gua. As a student you definitely want to honor your "Power" directions when studying and taking tests, as well.

QUESTION: Which wall should I place children's photos on to achieve harmony?

ANSWER: You can place them either in the FAMILY or CHILDREN gua area of your home. If this is not possible, they can go in one of these two gua areas of any room as well, with one exception - DO NOT place them in your master bedroom.

QUESTION: I would like to redesign my business card for success in my insurance sales business.

ANSWER: When designing it, simply treat it as you would any Ba-gua- honoring each gua area. If you need help, feel free to call for a "one" hour phone consultation.

QUESTION: My wife and I are planing on getting a small parcel of land. The general location is in a small city named Trece Martires (13 Martyrs). The specific location is Lot 13, Block 13. Is there anything I need to consider here?

ANSWER: If you are superstitious you will want to run for the hills! Even if you are not - you might want to reconsider your decision anyway, as words and metaphors hold (powerful) vibration, as well as numbers.

QUESTION: What is the reason that Vietnamese buyers will not consider a house with a door that opens towards a basement stairway?

ANSWER: It represents accidents, injuries and potential death.

QUESTION: My residence is located at the intersection of three streets that come together to make a Y. My house is located right at the top of the Y where it splits off into two directions. So if you were traveling from the bottom of the Y upwards, and you kept going straight (right where it splits) you would come right into my house. I once read somewhere that this was not a good location and I should do something. I am beginning to believe this because the 2 previous owners were foreclosed on and ever since moving into here my finances have been in the negative and I am at the brink of foreclosure myself now. What do I do? Help!

ANSWER: I recommend that you get Feng Shui CERTIFIED as soon as possible (while it is on sale), so that you NEVER select a lot or location like this again. Short of moving, there is not much you can do to remedy this "Sha" (destructive) situation. This location is a "classic" Feng Shui nightmare, as former owners can attest. I would not hesitate to move... soon.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Feng Shui and the Power of Water

TRUTH: Water equates to POWER.

If you look back in history, you will notice that those in power (such as emperors and kings) were located near water, or near large lakes or rivers close by. Today, the most expensive properties and the most powerful cities in the world are located near or surrounded by WATER. Where there is water there is abundance, where there is abundance there is power.

TIP: Don’t underestimate the power of water. To do so would be to deny your own existence, for your body is comprised of 85%+++ Water!

INTENTION: I listen, feel, taste, smell and touch water, daily, to remind me who I am. I AM Peaceful and Powerful!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Click here to listen while you read or work

TOPIC: Feng Shui E M E R G E N C E ... !

QUESTION: What color is best for HAPPINESS in a living room?

ANSWER: The five elements should always be present to support your "intention" for happiness. Once your environment is in balance, the next step is to space clear "negative" thoughts, on a daily basis, so that love and happiness can survive and thrive in your life. The by- product of "good" Feng Shui is ... Growth and Transformation.

Thus, POSITIVE ENERGY always follows "positive" thought!

QUESTION: I am Mountain element what is that?

ANSWER: You can discover this for yourself by visiting www.ChiQuiz.com

QUESTION: What compass direction should my headboard be facing? I live in Utah.

ANSWER: Your state and country do not determine your best directions. Your gender, day and year of birth determines your Feng Shui element, and your Feng Shui element determines your FOUR best directions!

QUESTION: We have a real estate office, but our business is not producing, there is no activity, what can we do to bring more activity and positive energy and more business help? Our office is in San Bernardino California, should we rearrange the office?

ANSWER: Rearranging one's environment to create spatial harmony and balance is called THE ART OF PLACEMENT in Feng Shui, and yes - it is "very" important to create dynamic flow of energy in your work environment.

BTW, San Bernardino is a Mecca of opportunity if you are working foreclosures, short sales and REOs! You are sitting on a gold mine; you just need to learn how to mine it via Feng Shui! Check out the links above to learn more.

QUESTION: Business tips for Aries please.

ANSWER: Feng Shui has nothing to do with western or eastern astrology. Feng Shui is the study of "life force"... ENERGY, and the "inter and inner" connection to everything and everyone in life.

QUESTION: What does the future hold for the WATER element in reference to marriage, health, finances, family, business this year?

ANSWER: The answer to this ... in fact for all the different elements ... is spelled out clearly in Feng Shui FORECAST 2010.

QUESTION: I have clutter and I have cleared a lot of it, do I have to clear all of it to see changes in my life?

ANSWER: To experience Profound and Lasting Change - YES!

CLICK HERE to learn about ... E M E R G E N C E ... in 2010

Emergence in 2010

Suzee Miller


800.499.7844 or 949.595.8873


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feng Shui Questions

QUESTION: You say a house surrounded by water is good, what about a house sitting on a higher ground than other houses and overlooking the city.

ANSWER: Typically, the higher the elevation the more vulnerable a property is to the elements - Wind and Water - Feng Shui. However, if your home is located in an armchair position (protected), you should be able to enjoy breathtaking views without as much maintenance as one located on top of a hill/mountain.

QUESTION: Is there a remedy for bed placement if it needs to be on a wall that is not good Feng Shui for the owners (it is not facing the door but is in a bad direction for them).

ANSWER: Yes. If it's impossible to angle the bed inside the room, then you can angle yourselves in the bed.

Many of our clients' sleep at the foot of the bed, diagonal and/or sideways in bed to honor one of their best directions. However if in doing so your head is exposed (without support), you will want to protect it with pillows, a screen or nearby wall.

QUESTION: How many steps should the stairs have so that the occupants are lucky?

ANSWER: This is a Chinese cultural question; it has little to do with Feng Shui. However, LUCK is an aspect of Feng Shui, thus the placement of stairs within a property is more important than the actual number of stairs.

QUESTION: I'm redoing my kitchen. A friend who is also a real estate agent advised me not to put the sink back under the window because of poor Feng Shui. My contractor says it will be much more expensive to move the sink where she suggested across the room plus I like being able to look out while I'm cooking or washing up. Is a sink under a window all that bad? Is there a remedy I can make to counteract the bad Feng Shui while keeping my sink under the window?

ANSWER: There is no problem with a sink under a window, again this is a Chinese cultural belief, that has little to do with Feng Shui principles.

QUESTION: Where should I hang a world map in my office room - 2 other colleague sharing in the same room?

ANSWER: In the HEALTH or KNOWLEDGE gua area.

QUESTION: When is the best time for my sister to construct an apartment? she plans to do it on August 8,2008.

ANSWER: The best day and time for construction is based on the main wage earner's date of birth.

QUESTION: My office building is located on a lower ground between two bigger buildings, how can I overcome the negative effects of this location?

ANSWER: Questions like these are covered in our Feng Shui Certification course. The answer is...it depends. It depends on how high the other two buildings are in relationship to yours. If they are not too much higher, it's actually a positive not a negative as they provide the green dragon and white tiger for support. If they are dramatically higher, there is little you can do to remedy the downward chi-pressure. You are welcome to call our office if you are experiencing problems.

QUESTION: What can I put in my office so I can be promoted?

ANSWER: No amount of Feng Shui can get you promoted if you are not proactive, knowledgeable and a "real" asset to your company. However you can lift your personal energy to help you become more of the above, by balancing the five elements and decorating your office in accordance with Feng Shui principles so that it supports your goals and intentions.

QUESTION: I am confused with the Feng Shui bagua reading and the compass reading. My house main door is facing South compass 157.5 to 202.250, which represent Fame & Reputation but the ba gua chart (from internet), represent Career & Path which is North. Which should I follow?

ANSWER: You are referring to two different approaches (schools) of Feng Shui altogether. You will want to pick the one that resonates the most with you. Trust your gut (intuition).

QUESTION: I live in Las Vegas... any advice on ways to improve my winning at casinos?

ANSWER: The fastest way to improve your finances is to stay out of casinos altogether. However if you are not able to do this then you will want to at least "face" one of your best directions when gambling. This will not guarantee you "wins" but it will help to improve your personal energy... hopefully enough to help you know when to quit while you are ahead!

QUESTION: I love my home on an island near Seattle, and have enough money to stay here till next summer. Do I put it on the market now or see how to raise money to stay here.

ANSWER: A balanced home in Feng Shui is not just a structure; it's a living energy that feeds our mind, body and soul. Thus if you "love" your home, it's worth working out a plan to keep it.

QUESTION: I just received your latest newsletter, and I have a question I would like to ask you. I am not a Realtor or any Professional, can I still obtain Feng Shui Certification?

ANSWER: Yes - we currently have business owners, housewives, builders, architects, lenders, Realtors®, Feng Shui practitioners, entrepreneurs, homeowners, stagers, decorators, students and even writers in the course.

Originally, I created the course for architects, builders and realtors® to help them market and sell property faster - soon thereafter, people of all professions and nationalities wanted to learn about "good and bad" Feng Shui – lots, locations, houses, floor plans etc.

My Feng Shui Certification course is "content rich" with valuable and beneficial information for anyone who desires a harmonious and balanced life filled with blessings, business and good fortune.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Feng Shui and Love

Feng Shui Truth: There is no separation in energy, not even between the animal and human kingdoms.

Below is a video sent to us by our client Conchita Bryner of New Mexico. We hope you enjoy the grace, beauty, power and glory of LOVE - the highest "healing" calibration of energy on the planet.

Watch the Video Now

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Best SLEEP Direction

Click here to listen while you read or work

Feng Shui TOPIC: Best SLEEP Direction

QUESTION: I have bought several of your downloads and I wondered if it is still okay in Spring of 2010 to plant a flower garden in my helping people area which is in the southwest.

ANSWER: It's always OKAY to plant herbs, flowers, shrubs, and small trees ... anytime of the year!!!

When referring to an area of the Earth that should not be disturbed during a given year, I am referring to "breaking ground" to add or remove an existing structure, slab, retaining wall and/or "large" tree. This year the areas to avoid puncturing the Earth are in the SW, North and NE gua areas of the land.

QUESTION: Suzee, in your Feng Shui Forecast this year you mentioned square and rectangle rooms have good chi ... Does that mean that round rooms have bad chi? The center of my house is circular and I have corridors that shoot off from the center of the house. Would love to know more.

ANSWER: In general, a circular room or home is hard on the lives of the occupants. However, a circular center is GOOD in your particular scenario, as it allows Chi to spin and move in multiple directions!

QUESTION: How do you change restless, chaotic, chi on the land?

ANSWER: It' very difficult to accomplish if there is no structure, furniture or vegetation on the land to slow down Chi. However, you can add things that spin, dangle, and/or rotate Chi, to help circulate or redistribute the energy. Adding a WATER feature, without a doubt, is the best way to slow down and contain life force energy on the land.

QUESTION: My staircase is in the middle of the home. On the 1st floor one set goes up, the 2nd set of stairways is on the 1st floor thru a door to the basement, this set is also in the middle of the home. Is it bad Feng Shui to have the staircases in the middle of the home?

ANSWER: Yes, 95% of the time this is considered BAD Feng Shui - hard on the health and wealth of the occupants. However, in classical Feng Shui, if the STARS (numbers) at the heart of a home/structure are "good," the stairs can actually create what the Chinese refer to as a "pathway to heaven" or in simple terms ... a pathway to "more" blessings and good fortune!

QUESTION: What is the best sleep position for a master bedroom with a wall of windows, a wall with two door openings and a wall with closets. The only remaining wall is not large.

ANSWER: Perhaps your bedroom was designed to capture a view (I don't know), but it is HARD on the lives of the occupants no matter where you place the bed in this particular configuration. Nonetheless, I always encourage people to sleep in one of their four best directions.

I believe one's HEALTH is more valuable than all the riches in the world. Given this, you can protect yourself with a large headboard, strong window coverings (wood blinds or shutters), a room divider and/or screen, furniture etc., whatever it takes to sleep in an EMPOWERING verses depleting health direction, I recommend doing it!

In "Just" ONE HOUR -
You Can Create a Masterpiece!

Hi Suzee,

Vince and I want to thank you for consulting with us, you are a pleasure to talk with and your positive energy is contagious!

Things have changed drastically in less than a week....and I mean drastically for the better for all of us! The house feels better, I feel better, Vince was better today and the kids are back in sync. I worked all day and got 4 new listings!!! Our son Michael got extra hours at work, Vinnie got a job tonight, Gianna has made a final decision on college, and Vince and I had a nice dinner together. Also, out of the blue our mortgage problem was solved through a family member that just offered to help!

The consultation produced phenomenal results; we so appreciate everything you have done for us. We look forward to consulting with you again in October Suzee. This year we are not going to wait till last minute to update our home-THAT'S FOR SURE!

Thank you for everything,

Tina Viglizzo
Illinois - USA

Click here to learn about our UNIQUE and DIFFERENT types of
Feng Shui Consultations

Suzee Miller

800.499.7844 or 800.730.6177

www.FengShuiPlaza.com or www.FengShui4RE.com

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Feng Shui Approaches

QUESTION: I know my element, number, etc., but I still don't get how it all fits into how I decorate my home if I am using all the elements to balance each room.

ANSWER: Feng Shui can get confusing. As for your living environment, each room should have all five elements present and in balance, irrespective of your personal Feng Shui element. Your Feng Shui number tells you which "Trigram" you are in Feng Shui i.e...your personality, character, good and bad directions, colors, season, health, homes etc.

QUESTION: I would like to put a water feature on the exterior front entrance to my home. Is one side better than the other?

ANSWER: The answer is both Yes and No. In "Classical" Feng Shui, it depends on your DOB, year of construction and the exact compass degree reading of your property. In "Western" Feng Shui you can place it to the right or left of your entrance, depending on what you hope to achieve.

QUESTION: The main door of my restaurant is facing a road and tree, how can I cure this problem?

ANSWER: You cannot change the location, but you can remove the tree if it blocks the "mouth of Chi" - the entrance door. A business (especially a restaurant) located in a good environment, that front faces a road, can be an excellent Feng Shui location "if" the flow of traffic plus ingress and egress allows Chi to pool and exit effortlessly.

QUESTION: I have a decoration which is for Protection. It has a turtle, and coins, hanging off it. Where should I hang it in my home?

ANSWER: What you are describing is a Chinese (cultural) "icon" that has nothing to do with Feng Shui. However, if you "believe" it will protect you - it will, wherever you place it.

QUESTION: I keep getting tips about putting different things in different areas of my home but I don't know how to figure out where the areas are located. Like where is the wealth region of my home?

ANSWER: Their are 8 "important" guas (areas), not just one. Also, there are many approaches - ways to use a Ba-gua. Some authors, teachers and masters use a "fixed" directional Ba-gua, while others, like myself, use a "floating or moving" Ba-gua that rotates based on the entrance door to a room or structure.

In the latter approach, the WEALTH gua is the furthest left hand corner from an entrance door. In fixed Ba-gua Feng Shui it is the SE section of a room or structure.

QUESTION: Is it ok to place an aquarium in the dining room?

ANSWER: 98% of the time the answer is NO.

QUESTION: Why do some feng shui tips tell me to put metal object in the southeast or wealth area, while others say not to do this?

ANSWER: It can depend on the book, teacher, year and/or school of Feng Shui, thus the confusion.

QUESTION: I need to help my health area as I am always having health problems. we have a mirror at the back of the stove as I was told you should be able to see when cooking who is behind you. the kitchen is in the NW corner of the house.

ANSWER: You are referring to Black Hat Feng Shui. The belief is that mirrors behind a stove will "multiply" money and abundance. I do not integrate this school of Feng Shui in my consultations or courses, thus I'm not the best source to help you with your "health" question; however, there are good books out there on the subject.

QUESTION: How can I use my element WATER to increase my energy and power?

ANSWER: By honoring your "best" health, wealth and career directions, selecting an office and home location that supports you "energetically," and by wearing element colors that empower you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Feng Shui Tips

QUESTION: What colors do I use in my bedroom?

ANSWER: The "over use" of dark or bright colors (paint on walls) can be harmful to one's health, rest and energy. I recommend painting bedroom walls soft "soothing" neutral colors, then add in the 5 elements via accent and decor items to create balance.

QUESTION: Where do I put the bagua: facing my front door, or on the outside of the door? I am very confused about this.

ANSWER: You will want to place it over the entire house facing the "main" entrance door.

QUESTION: For good finances, I put a plant with rounded leaves to the left of the front door and a red envelope with American coins in it. Must the coins be Chinese coins? Are these good things to do to improve my finances?

ANSWER: None of the above will help your finances unless you BELIEVE they will. They have everything to do with the Chinese culture and tradition, and little to do with Feng Shui.

QUESTION: We had to sell our beautiful house and have lived in an apartment for the past 7 years. Financially we have lost a lot. What am I not doing right?

ANSWER: This is a difficult question to answer not knowing more about the circumstances of your life and career. However, for starters, I would start by honoring your career, wealth and health directions to raise your "personal" chi (energy), so that you can begin to turn things around with less effort.

QUESTION: I will be sharing a tiny office (approx. 6' x 8.5') with 2 co-workers soon. My desk will be less than 1 foot from the doorway and none of us will have any privacy. Also, we work in a hospital, on a patient floor so our door has to be open during work hours. How can I protect myself and not feel on display at all times?

ANSWER: This is an almost impossible situation to remedy. The only recommendation I can make is to leave the office door 2/3rds open to slow down and redirect Chi. Typically, people who sit this close to a door do not stay long as it's impossible to complete work and tasks on time, to handle the chaotic "energy" racing at them, and/or to feel supported by the environment.

QUESTION: I have a large round decorative mirror. Can I hang it above my bed.

ANSWER: Not only is it a dangerous placement, but it also prevents a restful night's sleep.

QUESTION: My house faces north west, is that good?

ANSWER: It depends on your "personal" Feng Shui element, the exact NW compass degree reading and the year of completion of your house.

QUESTION: I have some bamboo that is at the end of it's life. It was given to me by my daughter about six years ago. It's energy has brought me much financial success. I bought two new plants but have not disregarded the old one. Should I get rid of the dying one? If yes, how? Compost, garbage, other? I want to keep positive energy.

ANSWER: Yes. You do not want anything dead or dying in your inner or outer environment. You can bless it and dispose of it any way you want, and still maintain positive energy.

QUESTION: Where is love the strongest?

ANSWER: A balanced environment exudes peace, harmony and LOVE. Therefore, I suggest you learn the basic tenants and principles of Feng Shui and apply them to every room in your work and living environment, if you seek "more" LOVE and joy in your life.

QUESTION: How can I meet and be with my soulmate?

ANSWER: In Feng Shui we balance 5 elements, Yin/Yang and Chi so that we are empowered to "come from" the things we desire. Thus the goal is to "become" the ideal soulmate you seek, so that your beloved can find you.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Free Foreclosure Information and Tips

TRUTH: The current "Housing Crisis" affects every person and community in America.

The heartache, fear, loss and pain that accompanies a foreclosure is "immeasurable." As this economic crisis crosses borders and seas, it becomes our responsibility as "conscious" citizens to get educated and informed, so that we can share our knowledge with each other and with the global community at large.

The educational website below is designed to EMPOWER you, your friends, family, colleagues, neighbors and/or clients on foreclosure laws and options. Free counseling with a loss mitigation expert (foreclosure specialist), by state, is also available to you at NO cost or obligation.

TIP: Time is not on your side when facing foreclosure. You will want to act "boldly and fast," to avoid and prevent foreclosure on your home and/or investment property.

If you or someone your know is "at risk," please make sure to click onto "all the links" on the American website (below) for FREE foreclosure information and tips. Once educated, you can decide to Stop foreclosure on your own, or you can elect to work with an expert to SAVE your home and credit, immediately.


For the latest housing update click the link below:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26591359/

Feel free to share the web addresses above with everyone you know - TOGETHER - WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

  • P.S. Does this sound familiar?
  • "I’ve tried to work this out with my lender but they’re telling me there is nothing they can do."
  • "I have tried to contact my mortgage company but they won’t call me back."
  • "Every time I call my lender I get someone new who puts me on hold or I have to start all over. I'm at my wits end."
  • "We are in Chapter 13 and we can’t afford the payments."
  • "My Adjustable Rate Mortgage went up and I can’t afford the payment. Can you get it lowered for me?"
  • "We are upside down, owe $100,000 more than our house is worth - can we get the mortgage company to waive this amount and give us a monthly payment we can afford?"
  • "They set me up in a forbearance plan but I can’t afford the payments. What can I do?"

We receive questions like this every day from people who want to save their home. Maybe you’ve been trying to sell your home and there simply are no buyers in your area, at your asking price. Or, maybe you want out of your house so you can get a fresh start somewhere else but you need to protect your credit rating as much as possible and need a good Realtor to help you. We have referred people in all circumstances. Some clients call after the Sheriff has served them with papers or they come home to find their locks changed.

It’s never too late to get HELP. Dedicated counselors will work overtime on your behalf to STOP the foreclosure process. -America Foreclosure Specialists-

Get help, or help a friend today at: http://www.afscanhelp.com/

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feng Shui Tips to Improve Your Destiny

QUESTION: Where should my office be located in my home for the best results of income generation?

ANSWER: Whenever possible, you will want to place your office in one of your four "best" gua areas. To increase productivity and to "reduce" stress, you will also want to "face" at least 2 out of 4 of your power directions when working. (You can check the link on the right if you do not know your element or best guas and directions)

QUESTION: Should you be facing your house to determine which side is the left side?

ANSWER: In form school Feng Shui, it is determined from the inside looking out. For other aspects of Feng Shui, "typically" it is recommended to stand outside looking towards the property.

QUESTION: I have fireplace in far right corner in my house which is our relationship corner, my question is what kind of painting should I hang on the top of fireplace wall?

ANSWER: The element FIRE can "ignite or destroy." Therefore, I suggest setting the INTENTION that your fireplace is igniting and "lighting up" your love life in blessed and wondrous ways. A "couples" piece of artwork would be an appropriate placement over the mantle as well...i.e. a man and woman dancing, kissing or embracing.

QUESTION: Is black granite flooring for the entire house, ok as per Feng Shui?

ANSWER: It depends on the "unseen" energy (Lo-shu) of your property. Also, black represents the Water element, and too much water can "put out" your Health, Wealth and Fortune if located in wrong "gua" areas. In addition, it is not "good" Feng Shui to have an "over dominant" element in any environment. Creating and maintaining BALANCE is one of the basic tenants of this ancient art and science, thus the five elements need to "visually" appear equal.

QUESTION: How do you rid your home with years of clutter?

ANSWER: Clutter is the first indication of one being out-of-balance. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when living in an environment filled with "stuff." Therefore, I recommend taking baby steps by removing of one small to medium size box (clutter) a day. Removing one box a day is less overwhelming than thinking about removing 30 boxes, yet at the end of the month the outcome is the same. Too, the joy and pride you will feel by removing 30 boxes of "clutter," will motivate you to continue "space clearing" until you feel completely LIBERATED... inside and out.

QUESTION: What is quiet metal?

ANSWER: I believe you mean what is "soft" or "small" metal. It is one of the 8 elements in Classical Feng Shui.

QUESTION: I just purchased a foreclosure home. 2 of my inauspicious directions are where either the master bedroom or office must go. How do I overcome this?

ANSWER: You CANNOT remedy this situation without major remodeling. All you can do at this point is to try to honor your best health and career directions while sleeping and working. A consultation to remedy the "unseen" energy would also be beneficial for you as well, so that you do not inherit the former owner's energy and/or problems...as there is no separation in energy!

All Feng Shui Consultations are recorded for your review and are done one-on-one with Suzee. There is still plenty of time for YOU to tap into the "infinite realm of possibilities" of CREATIVITY and ABUNDANCE, both of which our natural by-products of "good" Feng Shui.

It's also the "perfect time" to position yourself to double or triple your income in this year!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feng Shui Placement

QUESTION: Where is the best place for me to hang a full length mirror for my wife?

ANSWER: It's perfectly fine to have a full length mirror attached to a bathroom door, in a guest bedroom, or even in your master bedroom provided it is not located on a wall opposite or behind where you sleep.

QUESTION: My relationship area is in my bathroom. How can I remedy this problem?

ANSWER: First off, many times "more than" one room (or a section of another room) is located in the same gua area. which allows you the opportunity to enhance other rooms and/or walls as well. However, if the only room located in the PARTNERSHIP gua happens to be your bathroom, then you will want to beautify it with soft, soothing, sensual colors and decor items that compliment "pairs" of things.

QUESTION: Home office is the last room in the back of the side of the house facing north. How can I bring more business and wealth. I am an interior designer for Yachts, Homes and Staging. This has been my slowest year in 20 yrs. How can I change this to attract upscale clients.

ANSWER: Your question indicates that you are not schooled or knowledgeable in Feng Shui, yet you have many wonderful professional designations that would add "true" VALUE to this ancient art and science. I suggest that you check-out our FENG SHUI CERTIFICATION course to learn how to Feng Shui the "exterior and interior" gua areas of property (even Yachts), like a PRO.

Our "integrative" (blend of schools) approach to Feng Shui will help you remedy and enhance your "personal" situation - FAST. It will also ADD a new perspective and dimension to your existing career that will benefit those you serve, in profound and amazing ways. For decorators, designers and stagers, Feng Shui is the "missing element" required to achieve BALANCE; it is the FOUNDATION of skill and knowledge, to build your career upon.

QUESTION: May I know from you, how many rungs I should install/construct in my staircase to give me good result based in Feng Shui?

ANSWER: It depends on whether your staircase is straight, broken, curved, circular, angled etc., and whether or not its primary use is "up or down." It also depends on how "high" your ceilings are or will be. In general, we like to see an ODD "number of stairs. However, the location and shape of a staircase within a structure is "more important" than the actual number of stairs!

QUESTION: My birthday is June 26, 1965 and my wife is August 14, 1958. I want to have my home to boost prosperity and positive for a sale. Are we canceling out each other? She put red in the far left corner of the home (her color). She no longer works, so should we change it?

ANSWER: In Western Ba-gua Feng Shui, RED is not an appropriate color for this gua area, irrespective of your DOBs or your FENG SHUI elements. In Classical Feng Shui, it depends on the "unseen" energy in that gua location of your home.

QUESTION: I have an Asian client who insists on purchasing a home in a particular subdivision with a southeast facing front door. The only problem is, there are no homes in that subdivision that face southeast. Is there anything I can tell her about buying a home without this directional orientation, that might counteract the necessity for the southeast facing home?

ANSWER: If a SE facing door cannot be "added to" an existing home within this tract, the answer is NO. She is most likely following the advise of her Feng Shui Master; therefore, I would not waste "your" time trying to convince her otherwise, unless she is willing to look at homes in a subdivision that offers SE "facing" doors.

QUESTION: I am having problems with my 60 yr. old home with water and now some mold. I love my home. Experts are now evaluating my home. I need to make my home healthy again. Help me please.

ANSWER: No amount of Feng Shui can correct water or mold "damage." To protect your HEALTH, you will want to remedy this situation immediately, by following the advise of "experts." After completion, you are welcome to call our office and we will provide you with a "space cleansing" technique that will help to ease your "heavy" heart and mind.

QUESTION: I just listed a property at $399,900. Home is located in a very nice area. What can I do to get foot traffic to see my listing? I need help!!!

ANSWER: There are 100+ things you can do right away, and you can learn how to do them in less than 6 hours! Check-out the link on the right called FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT, for "quick" results.

QUESTION: I am a writer and I am literally stopped from completing a novel because I keep changing my writing name and when I do my writing changes! HELP!

ANSWER: Everything in the Universe is ENERGY, and all energy vibrates at different frequencies... or waves per unit of time. Therefore, "each" letter of the alphabet has it's own vibratory field of energy as well. Thus every time you change the vibration of your name, you also change your writing too.

At an "unconscious" level (for whatever the reason) you may be afraid to complete your novel. However, if this is not the case then I suggest selecting the "writing style" you like best... to help you discover your "prose" name!

QUESTION: I have recently purchased a 3-story townhome which faces west and my office is on the lower level. Do you have any general advice as to how I should apply feng shui to such a property?

ANSWER: You will want to Feng Shui your townhome the same way you would approach a single level home. However, due to having 3 levels, you will also want to overlay the Ba-gua over each level (floor), individually, as well.

QUESTION: I live in South Africa and need to know if you have a distributor in South Africa that I can contact for your CDs.

ANSWER: No, we do not have a distribution center outside the United States. However, all of our educational products are now available as "Digital Audio Downloads," so that you can listen to them "within minutes" of purchase... from anywhere in the world.

GOING GREEN - Ordering our educational products as digital downloads - not only SAVES you Money, but it also helps to SAVE the Environment and our Planet too!

For folks who still prefer CDs to downloads, we also mail our Feng Shui products around the world. (Note: Our FENG SHUI CERTIFICATION course will be available as a download on October 15, all other products are currently "digital" and CD)

Thursday, February 11, 2010



Question: I'm a failed Realtor, who's ready to file for bankruptcy and my house is on the pre-FC status. I still love real estate. As a "Hard Wood" element, is there anything I can do to improve my finances, greatly, immediately?

Answer: If you cannot afford a Feng Shui Office Consultation to jump start your business, your next best bet is to listen to Feng Shui ABUNDANCE and immediately start applying the ACTION plan. Refer to the link on the left.

Question: How do I get buyers in this market?

Answer: There are endless ways for you to get buyers, in any market, if you are proactive! However, from a Feng Shui perspective, I recommend that you de-clutter (space-clear) and Feng Shui you "own" home, office, briefcase and car, first. Once you live and work in a "balanced" environment, your "centered and high" ENERGY automatically will attract good fortune, including qualified and loyal buyers.

Question: If you rent in a building and the entrance door is a different direction than your apartment door, what direction do you lay the Ba-gua?

Answer: Very good question! When applying Western Feng Shui principles (which 80% of the population focuses on), you will want to overlay the Ba-gua over your personal space based on your main entry door. The same applies to offices and condominiums as well. Directions are of no concern unless you are using a "fixed" Ba-gua approach to Feng Shui which I do not subscribe to. When applying classical principles of Feng Shui, the SITTING and FACING direction of a structure/building is more important than the individual unit within; however, to achieve optimum results, I recommend integrating the Ba-gua for both.

Question: My home is missing the north west corner, it is in the front of the home. My question is: Could I place a ceramic or metal bird bath at the missing corner to fix the Ba-gua?

Answer: Yes, however it may not be enough of a remedy to cure the deficiency if the absent section is equal or greater in size to that of "one" or more missing guas.

Question: Do high ceilings drain finances?

Answer: NO. Other factors come into play in buildings that do not support "money" such as the environment, location, floor plan, year of construction and compass degrees - to name a few.

Question: I heard the kitchen stove range should be placed on NW direction. How can I improve my situation?

Answer: You are referring to an "old" traditional approach of Feng Shui that I do not practice or believe in. The theory is ... because NW governs the Metal element and the Trigram of the EMPORER, and because FOOD is the sign of a wealthy person in China - it will bring you money luck. However, if this were true - how does one account for all the millionaires and billionaires whose stoves do not face NW, or more importantly all the poor people whose stoves do?

A faster approach to increasing your money luck is learning how to honor and use your "personal" power directions correctly. This is the school of Feng Shui that has created more millionaires and billionaires than all the others combined. Go to www.FengShui4RE.com to learn more.

Feng Shui Testimonial

“I thought your Feng Shui Predictions seminar was profound. I was moved to tears. A couple of years ago, my husband and I felt our lives were tossed upside down. That was a painful time, and I thought we were the only people on earth experiencing such traumatic, internal chaos. We managed to get through that year, and I’m glad we did. Listening to the seminar made me feel that I wasn’t crazy or something was wrong with me! It really explained for me what was happening at the time.

I really appreciate your Feng Shui seminars. I feel much more positive and confident that Feng Shui really works. I want to learn and do more. Suzee, thank you for being here and sharing all your great Feng Shui knowledge and wisdom!”

Pamela Seley
Realtor - CA

ASK a Feng Shui Question

Make sure to check out the links above for more valuable information,

Suzee Miller


800.499.7844 or 949.595.8873


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Click here to listen while you read or work


QUESTION: Does chi get "confused" when a property has three entrances on the face of the house?

ANSWER: YES. You will want to block off two of the doors with inside or outside furniture and direct ENERGY into the most favorable entry door for buyers.

QUESTION: Are there remedies for challenged floor plans, or it is better to keep on looking for a house with a simple floor plan?

ANSWER: Most floor plans can be remedied, but some cannot. Square or rectangular shaped floor plans contain Chi better, and thus support the lives of the occupants better too.

QUESTION: Do the Feng Shui remedies especially on the outside need to change every year?

ANSWER: Good Question. Only the UNSEEN ENERGY changes from year to year in Feng Shui. Also, these annual changes effect ONLY the inside of a property, not the outside! This is a sophisticated school of Feng Shui called Lo-Shu Flying Stars. Click here to obtain the remedies and enhancements for 2010 for your home and office, and experience the difference for yourself.

Hi Suzee,
I've downloaded and listened to your 2010 seminar. It is FANTASTIC!
Thank you!

Gail Pritikin
Realtor, FL

LOVED your 2010 tele-class! I'll get on the remedies right away. In fact, I waited for this tele-class to see whether I should move my office to another part of the house, and your call confirmed that I should. Thank you so much!

Maria Carter


QUESTION: What part of the house causes illness?

ANSWER: Any part of a house that is SHA - dark, dirty, cluttered, stale, stuffed, unsafe and/or out of balance can cause health challenges and/or dis-ease. Outside, typically health issues originate in the HEALTH and FAMILY gua and/or in the CREATIVITY and CHILDREN gua.

QUESTION: I am in property management and my office carpet is green and the furniture is black facing SW. What colors would you recommend?

ANSWER: According to your question you have 3 elements missing in your environment. Good Feng Shui exists when all five elements are present and in balance...fire, earth, metal, water and wood.

QUESTION: Does the best 4 directions apply for children success in school too?

ANSWER: YES. Within 72 hours of honoring his best sleep and and study directions, Taylor Fry's entire life turned around for the POSITIVE. He is now 18 years old, and will be attending one of the finest Universities in California in the Fall. You can hear him tell his TRUE life story on Feng Shui FORECAST 2010.

QUESTION: Please help me to understand - when you mentioned Northeast in the Forecast 2010, you are referring to the Ba-gua, right? That means when you say Northeast you are referring to the Knowledge Area? Or is it that you are referring to general compass direction?

ANSWER: I'm so pleased to receive so many good questions regarding the Teleseminar.

In "classical" Feng Shui we are not concerned with Western terminology. The remedies and enhancements that I gave in my FENG SHUI FORECAST 2010 seminar are for the guas that fall into specific compass DIRECTIONS of your property.

Also, for example, if more than one room falls into the Northeast gua area of your home or office ... then the specific remedy or enhancement provided needs to be placed in each room that falls into that gua area as well!!!

I loved your teleseminar! The information came so fast and furious, that I'm so glad I ordered a download of it the day before the call! One NEEDS to have a copy "to get" the information you made available to us. Thanks so much for your knowledge and wisdom Suzee.


Anita Muller
Prudential R.E.

Ojai, CA



Suzee Miller


800.499.7844 or 949.595.8873

www.FengShuiPlaza.com or www.FengShui4RE.com