
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Feng Shui and Motion

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Feng Shui and MOTION

Feng Shui TRUTH: Motion moves Chi…ENERGY

Place items in your side and back yards that create motion and that have eye catching appeal. Examples: garden gazing balls, pinwheels, wind socks, hand painted garden stakes, windmills, wind chimes and/or light refracted objects/bangles.

Motion allows energy to flow, effortlessly, instead of getting stuck, static and/or chaotic. When energy flows gently, it embraces and supports every aspect of our lives. It also protects and shelters property from unwanted elements.

Feng Shui TIP: Creating motion in your garden lifts your spirit and creates the room for playful partners!

Feng Shui INTENTION: My life is full of colorful and radiant motion. I AM playful and receptive, giving and gracious. I AM a Universal ATTRACTANT of love, health and good fortune.

Chinese Proverb: When someone shares something of value with you, and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it.

Here are 6 pictures of European trucks whose trailers are decorated to look like the sides are missing and the products they are hauling are painted on the sides and back… Artwork in Motion!

This first picture is of a bottle of beer and looks so real, like it is coming out the side of the trailer

The second is of a canvas tote bag.

The third is of Pepsi cases and they are all stacked on the ceiling, and the bottom of the trailer is empty.

The fourth is of another truck with the windshield facing the back, a driver painted in the driver's seat looking back over his shoulder to appear like he is driving backwards.
The fifth one is of an aquarium with fish swimming in it.
The sixth one is of a bookshelf with books lined up in it and a post-it-note with an advertisement on it, probably for the company that sells the books.

Feng Shui and Sacred Space

TRUTH: Sacred space replenishes our body, mind and soul.

The most important YIN room in the house is your bedroom. It’s a sanctuary for rest, sleep, play, dress and for your dreams. Thus it’s important to create sacred space in this room by balancing the 5 elements and incorporating soft, clean, fresh fabrics, (high thread count) linens, pillows, comforters and sleep wear. Creating a Zen-like environment without clutter, without loud noise, without harsh colors and/or offensive scents/odors allows the body, mind and soul to replenish itself at the cellular level.

TIP: The ideal YIN bedroom is one that is void of kitty litter, dirty clothes, offensive artwork, computers, files and exposed electronic wires and TVs. Soft (romantic) music or a fountain is appropriate and healing for cellular rejuvenation.

INTENTION: I am soothed, healed and embraced by gentle Chi..ENERGY..in my bedroom. I awake rested and refreshed, to take on the world in a powerful and empowering way.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Can we learn Feng Shui from a distance?

Question: We live in Argentina. We are interested in receiving information about Feng Shui. Is it possible to learn Feng Shui from such a distance?

Answer: All of our educational products are "self study," that you can do it at your own pace. In addition, our goal is to make Feng Shui fun, fast and EASY to learn. Too, you won't find the information contained in our audio & print programs anywhere in a book store. A great starter course is Suzee's FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT - an audio program that comes with graphic charts.

Our Feng Shui CERTIFICATION is a 21 CD audio and online print Q & A course that comes with lots of great before and after benefits. CERTIFICATION is for Feng Shui enthusiasts who want to integrate schools and/or for professionals who work with people who buy, design, lease, build, sell, and/or stage residential and commercial property. It was originally created for architects, builders and Realtors® - it's the only CERTIFICATION course of its kind in the world. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Feng Shui Personal Directions

Question: I am confused about sources that offer conflicting information about one's favorable direction. Some say one should always face this direction and others say to have the favorable direction behind you (for support). What is your opinion, and why is there a discrepancy?

Answer: This is a very good question! There is a big division among masters on this subject. Unlike my peers, I actually integrate two different philosophies. With the classical school, called EIGHT MANSIONS, I honor the best "vision" (facing) direction, as the eyes are receptors that change the neurotransmitters in the brain. In other words, they take in light... ENERGY... thus the direction one "faces" empowers and supports them, when the eyes are open. However, when it comes to best supporting one's health, sleep or rest (burial) direction, I honor Form School Feng Shui (the direction the top of the head-hair faces) for life support.

When it comes to the classical school of LO-SHUI FLYING STARS, I honor the "sitting" direction over the facing direction (which many teachers and masters use) in determining whether or not a house or building will support the occupants. I use this approach as it honors the classical arm chair position of FORM SCHOOL Feng Shui. The Chinese refer to these as the Celestial Animals that support and protect a property. They are the green dragon, white tiger, tortoise and phoenix.

No doubt Feng Shui can get confusing, as no two authors, consultants, teachers or masters view Feng Shui the same way. In truth, as a practicing consultant, it takes years of trial and error to determine which approach works best. Even then, in my opinion, the client ultimately dictates which school resonates best with them. For some folks, it's Classical (Eastern) Feng Shui and for others it's Western Feng Shui. Thus the greatest service one can offer students and clients is to honor, at all times, the the unique body and mind energy of the individual one serves.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Feng Shui Office Space

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QUESTION: Hi Suzee, I am planning to become an entrepreneur, but obstruction comes now and then. Please tell me how to go about it.

ANSWER: In Feng Shui, "obstructions" are usually indicative of clutter in one's work and/or living environment so you will want to make sure to space clear your home and office.

In addition to Feng Shui, one must have good work habits, a defined action or business plan and KNOWLEDGE of business and sales. Thus, I recommend reading three books that are gems. The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber, Raving Fans by Ken Blanchard, and The Little Red Book of Selling by Jeffrey Gitomer, as must reads for entrepreneurs.

QUESTION: My "office" is in a cubicle. Using the Ba-gua, do I place it with the "career" at the doorway to the cubicle or in the position where I sit INSIDE the cubicle? This is important so I know where to place items relative to the other Ba-gua centers around me.

ANSWER: Good question. I agree, this is very important to know. You place the Ba-gau over the entire cubicle "area" and Feng Shui from the entrance way of the cubicle ... or CAREER gua!

QUESTION: What is the best job for a male born on December 13, 1970?

ANSWER: This and more is included in your Feng Shui ELEMENT audio - click here to learn more.

QUESTION: What do you mean when you say that pictures should go up the stairs evenly. Does it mean stair stepping-like, or all at the same level, getting closer and closer to the stairs as you ascend them?

ANSWER: The latter is correct. You will want to keep them as high up as possible, and even at the top!

QUESTION: Should mirrors in two different rooms through a hall way face each other?

ANSWER: Only if the doors or at least one door is kept closed 24/7!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Western vs. Classical Feng Shui

QUESTION: Is the Feng Shui you teach classical or western? I know very little about Feng Shui but find your newsletter very interesting. Have been receiving it for several months, but so far have not tried any. I am not in real estate so my interest is just for my personal space. I once took a one day basic Feng Shui orientation class. The instructor told us it was very important to follow classical vs western.

Thank you,
Genell Young

ANSWER: Classical Feng Shui takes years to master; it is probably what your instructor was trained in.

Ninety percent (90%) of Feng Shui consultants, authors and enthusiasts do NOT know or use Classical (or Traditional) Feng Shui because the study is Intensive.

Classical Feng Shui primarily governs the UNSEEN energy of an environment based on TIME, SPACE and PEOPLE. The Western approach to Feng Shui covers a simplified version of the ba-gua, along with core principles that governs the Universe.

Eighty percent (80%) of our self-study CERTIFICATION course integrates advance Form School FS, Western Bagua FS plus a mix of other schools. The remaining 20% of our study covers a "powerful" classical school of Feng Shui commonly referred to as EIGHT MANSIONS.

Due to demand, the course is now open and available to everyone from professionals to homemakers alike. Our Certification course is not only "unique," but it's a fabulous education whether you choose to consult professionally or not. In addition, CERTIFICATION is done on the honor system at your own pace, whether it takes you 3 mos. or 3 or more years to complete ... is up to you!

Please visit www.FengShuiPlaza.com to learn more about the BENEFITS of Feng Shui in your Home, Life, Health, Relationships and Career,and for a detailed description of the course material.


Dear Suzee -
I wanted to share my experience as I have been going through your Certification course and learning a lot about Feng Shui. I have been trying to put many of the things I am learning into practice.

Last fall, my son Robert who is usually a very good student was not seeming like his usual self, somewhat out of sorts during the first quarter of the school year. I discovered as part of my studies that Robert is a west group person and his bed was facing the wrong direction in his bedroom . I shared this thought with him and we decided to adjust his headboard facing position to the west, within days he made a difficult decision on his own, to stop playing a sport he was not really enjoying. Since that time he has moved to the high honor role with a 4.0+ GPA and finished the last 3 quarters of the year that way in an almost effortless fashion. He is talented young man in Math and Science anyway, but he also got an A for the first time in Spanish, which is not his favorite class. I am very proud of him for his achievement and I believe that changing his sleeping position helped him gain some clarity and achieve a higher level academically and put him back in balance.

As you know we are also in the process of moving to a new home. We had been looking at properties somewhat passively, planning a move sometime in 2011. We have also been applying many Feng Shui principles to our current lot and home. Somewhat out of the blue we found the perfect property. A country home with a nice parcel of land. After we looked at it the first time we found out that it had an accepted offer, which was a concern for us at first, thinking there was no way for us to get this property. But my wife eventually convinced me that we should present our offer anyway. We did and within a short time found out there was yet a third offer in the mix.....not so good for us right? Well, in a matter of days we had an accepted offer on this property as the primary buyer. We were able to see many of the Feng Shui characteristics that fit us so well, we are both East Group people. I am certain that is why we were so attracted to the property, it was almost as if the property picked us to live there. So we are now in the process of applying Feng Shui principles to the new house, (land first of course) so it is ready for us when we move in.

My wife Charlene, at first a skeptic (but supportive) when I told her I wanted to take the Feng Shui Cert course, now is participating ENTHUSIASTICALLY as we Feng Shui together!

Thank You for your Certification course-I am learning a great deal, and for all your suggestions in our consult last week on our new home. We can't wait to get started!

We feel very blessed.

David Kinzler
Middleton, Wisconsin

50% OFF SALE ... only "45 Days" remaining to BENEFIT and SAVE on Feng Shui Certification ...!

SUMMER SPECIAL on Consultations through August 30th ...!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Feng Shui for Real Estate Testimonial

Foreclosure Expert Shares his Feng Shui SUCCESS

Lucio Bernal is one of America's highest paid real estate professionals. His integrity and professionalism is IMPECCABLE. It's a great honor to have him share with us his "personal" Feng Shui journey.

Lucio Bernal

Lucio Bernal
Feng Shui Certified REALTOR®
Chairman's Circle
REO Specialist
Prudential CA Realty
Beverly Hills, CA

Listen to Foreclosure and Real Estate Expert
Lucio Bernal speak while you work or read


I wanted to take the time and express to you how grateful I am to have your presence enter my life a couple of years ago. There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not grateful for my success and for having met you.

I have been in real estate, or I should say ”real estate has been a part of my life consistently” for about 12 years. Often times I would say to myself and others ”I work so hard in this business and why am I not as successful as that guy, who hardly does anything? What am I doing wrong?” I felt like all the doors to real estate surrounded me and I just could never open the right door!

Then it finally happened! I vividly remember the day I first met Suzee Miller at a one day seminar she had in Westwood, CA, and the radiant glow from her as she spoke every word about Feng Shui. I finally felt like this room has the right door illuminated for me, and there was no guessing anymore. I knew right then and there that her Feng Shui Certification course was the key to the rest of my life. I truly mean it.

Although I lived a happy life, I never quite thought I could be happier, living in the stream of wealth and abundance. I immediately signed up for Suzee’s Certification program and began a journey of higher consciousness, which has afforded me so many great things to an already wonderful life. Without a doubt, it opened the door to everything good to me in real estate, and in turn my life.

I listened. I understood. I applied all that was explained about Feng Shui and real estate, and immediately my life took flight, in both real estate and ways unanticipated or unimaginable. I never think it can't get any better than this, ENERGY moves me again, in some unbelievable and uplifting way.

I love my home and office Feng Shui. I can honestly say, I love everything about my life today, and I sincerely owe this positive change to you, Suzee. Your Feng Shui resonates with me at every level. I feel as if everything is so connected in my life in a positive way, and it feels so good!

I say to you each and every time, how you continue to elevate me higher and higher, every time I speak with you and listen to you. I feel your presence always, each and every day as I follow your office and business system. There is definitely a flow and a process to the 5 elements and moving colors. It is so exciting to see my yellow files go green then purple, then to the BANK!

Most agents doing the kind of volume of business that I do annually, are exhausted and complain all day long, while I continue to play at it! I’m not saying that I don’t work, I do! What I am saying is that work has become play. I flow with energy, instead of working against it since learning Feng Shui principles in business and real estate!

I say to you, if you are sitting on listings that aren’t selling, are unhappy with your life, out of cash flow, or in a slump, I wouldn’t waste a minute waiting for the right door to open like I used to. I’d enroll in Suzee’s Certification program, and schedule a consultation with her. Trust me when I say, you will get more than you paid for. As far as vision and wisdom goes, in my book, she is on par with Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and that lady Oprah!

Suzee you are my guru, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for me.

Warm regards,

Lucio Bernal

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Home Feng Shui

Question: Is it really bad Feng Shui to have bathrooms in the health areas of your home?

Answer: No, just keep them clean, fresh and beautiful. You will also want to keep drains and toilet lids closed too.

Question: Is it OK to place my headboard next to a window?

Answer: I would not hesitate to do it IF it provides you with one of your best health directions while you sleep. However, I would also advise adding wood shutters or blinds on the window for protection and support.

Question: Do we take each room separately and apply the Ba-gua, or do we apply these principles to the house as a whole?

Answer: BOTH. You will want to Feng Shui the house first and the rooms second!

Question: We are trying to sell our home. What can I do so that it sells quickly and for the right price?

Answer: I would highly recommend ordering FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT at www.FengShui4re.com; it's what Feng Shui savvy REALTORS® use to market and sell property, faster than their competition.

"Since my consultation, a week ago, I have one commercial contract and will have another one tomorrow. I’m still working on doing the office and hope to get it done soon. Suzee I’m looking forward to profound success in my career thanks to you."
–Bhavna Patel 3D Realty, Inc.
Florida Commercial Real Estate

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Empowerment Product


A New Empowerment Product...!

Advanced Feng Shui of the Land

This Audio Program Includes:

  • Print diagrams and graphic hand-outs
  • How to capitalize on the current 20 year Feng Shui cycle thru 2023
  • Why you don't have to believe in Feng Shui for it to Work!
  • Why the placement of the Ba-gua over the "land" is different than the placement for a house or commercial building
  • How to Feng Shui a lot, parcel of land or garden ... gua by gua to achieve OPTIMUM results!

Here's what else you'll get out of AFSL ...

  • THE Perfect Arrangement
  • Remedies & Enhancements for Lots and Locations
  • How to Read Signs, Shapes, Symbols & Colombo Clues
  • How to select Good Feng Shui Properties and how to mitigate and/or remedy BAD Feng Shui!
  • Ch'i Enhancers for the Land to Improve the Quality of YOUR Life
  • A greater understanding of the Power of Streets & Waterways
  • Mastery of Form School Feng Shui!

CAPITALIZE on the Power & Energy
of the Land!

You can order ADVANCED FENG SHUI OF THE LAND by clicking here now

NOTE: Advanced Feng Shui of the LAND is included F.REE in our
Feng Shui CERTIFICATION course. Please make sure to check out the benefits
of Certification before purchasing this EMPOWERMENT audio and print program.

ASK a Feng Shui Question

Don't forget ... Feng Shui is an EARTH art and and EARTH science!

Suzee Miller

Monday, July 5, 2010

Litter box feng shui

These litter boxes are excellent examples of how to have good feng shui, even with pets!