
Friday, May 21, 2010

Feng Shui Numerology

TRUTH: Every number COUNTS!

From a "classical" Feng Shui perspective, each number represents a specific element.

Number 1 is the element WATER
Number 2 is the element EARTH
Number 3 is the element WOOD
Number 4 is the element WOOD
Number 5 is the element EARTH
Number 6 is the element METAL
Number 7 is the element METAL
Number 8 is the element EARTH
Number 9 is the element FIRE

The numbers 1, 4, 6, 8, and 9 are the most positive numbers in Classical Feng Shui, The most auspicious numbers are 8 and 9. The number 8 is about present money and wealth. Number 9 is about future money and fortune!

TIP: The reason why the number "4" is typically considered bad luck in Feng Shui is that it sounds like the word "death" in the Chinese language. Nonetheless, it is still considered a positive number when calculating the "unseen" energy inside a structure!

INTENTION: I vibrate with all numbers in a positive and productive way. All elements and numbers support me, even the number 4!