
Monday, May 9, 2011

Feng Shui Truth & Tips

We are currently working on "new" strategies and opportunities to bring you greater earning potential, improved health and fitness, along with more peace, joy and prosperity in life.

To accomplish this goal, along with other projects currently in the works, Feng Shui Truth and Tips will broadcast periodically throughout the year rather than on a weekly basis. Also, to bypass server blocks and spam filters, (most) communication will be text emails like this one, instead of HTML.


I am still available to participate as a guest speaker on Talk Radio, TV and Teleseminars at NO CHARGE. If your company or organization is interested, please contact Joyce Zook for availability. 

Upon invitation, I will continue to facilitate educational keynote and PowerPoint presentations at corporate, real estate, Feng Shui, staging, design and interior decorating conventions worldwide.

Time permitting, I am also available to consult with you one-on-one, by phone, Skype or on-site. To schedule a new purchase, plan/design review, hard to sell listing, residential, office, business, annual update or personal consultation, please contact Joyce@FengShuiParadigms.com or 800.730.6177.

Also, make sure to visit us online, regularly, for FREE seminars, tips, tools, products and up-to-date information! 



Thank you in advance for your business and referrals; it's a blessing to be of service.

Suzee Miller
800.499.7844 Inside North America
949-595-8873 Other Countries.