
Monday, May 31, 2010

Bamboo and its Feng Shui Usage

Question: Is bamboo in and around the house a good or bad energy? We are both Metal, soft and hard metal respectively.

Answer: Bamboo represents prosperity, longevity and good fortune, and makes a wonderful nature wall. Enjoy the grace and beauty Bamboo brings to your lives. The Wood element in your garden, ranging from plants, trees and flowers, cannot affect you in any negative way, in fact you can never over-improve the land!

The opposite is true, however, of the interior environment. Too much of the WOOD element is VERY difficult on one's health; it's especially hard on Earth, Water and Metal element people. Most homes and offices are over dominant on the Wood element. Thus it's important to think twice before adding wood floors, as the Wood element already exists in furniture, cabinets and plants!

If an over-dominant element exists in your environment, such as too much Earth (ie: stone, granite, tile, counters and floors), it's important to remedy the situation right away.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Thorn in the Side

TRUTH: A thorn can be a positive or negative in Feng Shui!

Thorns represent the FIRE element. In your garden, plants with thorns in the "Fame and Fortune" gua represent a perfect placement, such as cactus, rose bushes, bougainvillea and other plants with thorns. The opposite is true of thorny plants and vines located in the "Partnership/Marriage", "Friendly Relations/Benefactors" , "Health/Family", "Wealth" and "Career" gua areas of the land. Be mindful of your garden, for the placement of a simple plant may cause you a thorn-in-the-side in a correlating area of your life!

TIP: Roses are perceived as flowers of love even though they have thorns, whereas a cactus is not perceived as warm and loving. Therefore it’s not the thorn that is negative energy, but rather our perception of the thorn. Change your perception of thorns to FIRE, and you will enhance not only your life and career, but also your reputation!

INTENTION: I am supported by thorns and flowers in my garden; they add beauty and balance to my life and career. I am supported and embraced by nature in every magnificent way!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Feng Shui Garden Balance

TRUTH: A balanced garden honors 5 Elements!

There are five elements in Feng Shui – FIRE, EARTH, METAL, WATER and WOOD. In a garden, the FIRE element can be a fire pit, barbecue, tiki torches, cactus, rose bushes, sunflowers or objects with jagged edges. Earth is bountiful in a garden – it’s located everywhere. Metal can be patio furniture, wind chimes, and/or metallic objects and fences. The Water element can be anything from a Jacuzzi to a fountain. Wood of course includes plants, shrubs, trees, grass and flowers growing in the Earth. You will want to make sure to honor the Ba-gua blueprint when placing the five elements in your garden!

TIP: If you have only a balcony or deck, you can declare it your garden. If room is limited, you can also use colors that represent the five elements instead of the items and plants mentioned above. Keep in mind, that one colorful flag or one pot of multi-colored flowers can balance an entire deck or balcony!

INTENTION: I am surrounded by balance, grace and beauty, using 5 elements in my garden!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Feng Shui Power Directions

Question: I am confused about sources that offer conflicting information about one's favorable Feng Shui Power Directions. Some say one should always face this direction and others say to have the favorable direction behind you (for support). What is your opinion, and why is there a discrepancy?

Answer: This is a very good question! There is a big division among masters on this subject. Unlike my peers, I actually integrate two different philosophies. With the classical school, called EIGHT MANSIONS, I honor the best "vision" (facing) direction, as the eyes are receptors that change the neurotransmitters in the brain. In other words, they take in light... ENERGY... thus the direction one "faces" empowers and supports them, when the eyes are open. However, when it comes to supporting one's health, sleep or rest (burial) direction, I honor Form School Feng Shui (the direction the top of the head-hair faces) for life support.

When it comes to the classical school of LO-SHU FLYING STARS, I honor the "sitting" direction over the facing direction (which many teachers and masters use) in determining whether or not a house or building will support the occupants. I use this approach as it honors the classical arm chair position of FORM SCHOOL Feng Shui. The Chinese refer to this as Celestial Animals that support and protect property. They are the green dragon, white tiger, tortoise and phoenix.

No doubt Feng Shui can get confusing, as no two authors, consultants, teachers or masters view Feng Shui the same way. In truth, as a practicing consultant, it takes years of trial and error to determine which approach works best. Even then, in my opinion, the client ultimately dictates which school resonates best with them. For some folks, it's Classical (Eastern) Feng Shui and for others it's Western Feng Shui. Thus the greatest service one can offer students and clients is to honor, at all times, the unique body and mind energy of the individual one serves.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Feng Shui FAQs

Question: Is it really bad Feng Shui to have bathrooms in the health areas of your home?

Answer: No, just keep them clean, fresh and beautiful. You will also want to keep drains and toilet lids closed too.

Question: Is it OK to place my headboard next to a window?

Answer: I would not hesitate to do it IF it provides you with one of your best health directions while you sleep. However, I would also advise adding wood shutters or blinds on the window for protection and support.

Question: Do we take each room separately and apply the Ba-gua, or do we apply these principles to the house as a whole?

Answer: BOTH. You will want to Feng Shui the house first and the rooms second!

Question: We are trying to sell our home. What can I do so that it sells quickly and for the right price?

Answer: I would highly recommend ordering FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT. It's what Feng Shui savvy REALTORS® use to market and sell property, faster than their competition.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Earth's beauty

The Movement of Chi

RUTH: Motion moves Chi… ENERGY. Place items in your side and back yards to create motion and that have eye catching appeal. Examples: garden gazing balls, pinwheels, wind socks, hand painted garden stakes, windmills, wind chimes and/or light refracted objects & bangles. Motion helps energy flow, instead of getting stuck, static and/or chaotic; it's also an important chi enhancer for "odd" shaped lots. When energy flows gently, it embraces and supports every aspect of our lives. It also protects and shelters property from unwanted elements.

TIP: Creating motion in your garden lifts the spirit and creates the room for playful partners!

INTENTION: My life is filled with radiant motion. I AM playful and receptive, giving and gracious. I AM a Universal attractant of love, health and good fortune.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Feng Shui Q & A

Question: It is said that keeping the front door open brings in opportunities. What if the Front door is say in the NE where the 5 yellow is located?

Answer: Please keep in mind that there is more than one school of Feng Shui, and that placing value in just one approach can be not only frustrating, but also stressful and frightening. You do not need to keep your front door open, nor do you need to worry about the 5 Yellow Star... bad energy coming in. The most important thing is for you to enjoy your home without fear, doubt or worry. For starters, you can do this by simply balancing the five elements in your environment and by removing clutter.

Question: My backyard is a triangle shape, narrow in the back and very wide in the front. I was told not to put up a fence, but my neighbors on both sides are putting fences up. What should I do?

Answer: Feng Shui is an Earth art and science. Thus a lot shaped like this typically means you have the ability to pull money into your life, but not necessarily the ability to keep or grow it. Also, relationships can be difficult with this lot configuration, as it is missing a BIG section of "Partnership and Marriage." Add objects of motion, and use positive AFFIRMATION / INTENTION to overcome this situation, if moving is not an option.

Question: How do I stop the flow of financial abundance flowing down my sloping lot?

Answer: The answer to this question depends on several factors, such as the shape of your lot, the location of your lot, how steep the slope is and the surrounding environment in general. Click here for more information on advanced Feng Shui of the land which includes... location, and buildings. In the meantime, INTEND Abundance flowing into your life, not out!

Question: Is there a Feng Shui remedy to help with feelings of fear and worry?

Answer: Feng Shui creates a safe and embracing environment that supports one's dreams, goals and intentions. In essence, Feng Shui is the LAW of ATTRACTION. However, I believe it's the begin all, not the end all! Thus, I recommend watching or reading THE SECRET to help change your "perception" of life as dangerous and/or limited. THE SECRET will provide you with valuable tools to help change your thinking, for it's your "thoughts" that create fear-based feelings. So to change a negative belief pattern, you will want to watch THE SECRET on DVD at least 6 times. Repetition is required to reprogram the neurotransmitters in the brain (turn a negative into a positive) You can order it at Amazon.com by clicking here.

Monday, May 24, 2010

More Feng Shui Q & A

Question: What area should I enhance to attract a new home? We live in an apartment and are ready to buy a house, but there are few choices.

Answer: If you are a family, you will want to enhance the HEALTH & FAMILY GUA area of your apartment. If you are a couple, enhance the PARTNERSHIP & MARRIAGE. Do this along with the SPIRITUALITY & KNOWLEDGE gua area so that you make a wise and informed decision on the right property to buy.

Question: My stove is gas and is in the North West. Any cure besides moving it?

Answer: You have nothing to worry about, you are reading/learning (superstitious) Chinese beliefs. If you are worried, set the INTENTION that your life and home are in perfect balance and harmony.

Question: I am designing my kitchen for a new house and the only place for the oven, microwave and warming drawer is next to the refrigerator. Is this good Feng Shui?

Answer: The elements Fire and Water this close to each other in a kitchen is not good, healthy or safe Feng Shui.

Question: If you were building a new home, what would be better? 1 or 2 story? My client is looking at 4,000 SF

Answer: The environment, location of the property, the shape of the lot and the floor plan are what matters the most!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


“Hi Suzee, I wanted to thank you so much for all your help. I am feeling so much better since your Feng Shui consultation. It is just unbelievable how much more energy I have since I made the Feng Shui changes you suggested. My health has turned around totally since changing my bedroom and sleeping in my best health direction. I sleep all night now without waking up. The most amazing part of all this is that it’s only been 2 1/2 weeks since I consulted with you, and my bedroom Feng Shui has CHANGED MY LIFE!!! I owe the thanks all to you and I am so grateful that I got a Feng Shui consultation. I am just so surprised how fast your Feng Shui techniques work and how great things are going for me since I talked with you. Keep up the good work! You truly did make my life change for the better. I’m sure I will be talking to you soon! Thanks again”

Feng Shui and the Environment

TRUTH: In Feng Shui, you are your environment. Your home and office are a reflection of your inner and outer world. Given this, what is your environment trying to tell you? Are you coming from poverty or wealth? Does energy flow effortlessly or is it stuck? Does your home and office reflect spatial harmony and balance, or chaos?

The more "things" (magazines, files, papers, knick knacks, photos, furniture, silk arrangements/plants, toys, clothes, boxes etc) that are exposed in your environment, the more "stuck and/or off balance" you will feel either emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, financially and/or socially. LESS MEANS MORE in Feng Shui... MORE freedom, MORE happiness, MORE blessings, MORE abundance and MORE good fortune!

TIP: Gift away your belongings to friends and loved ones while you are alive. This way you can experience the joy in giving and witness the joy of receiving. Also, make sure to throw away and/or burn away that which does not empower you or others!

AFFIRMATION: I am embraced by the dynamic and effortless flow of energy in my environment. I am living a life of peace, harmony, grace and beauty.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

BEST Health and Sleep Directions

Question: My daughter 8 years has Asperger's. She has epilepsy too and is very unhealthy. I want to use the Feng Shui for her bedroom. I am using the Bagua directions, Can I use a regular compass?

Answer: Yes you can use a regular compass to determine directions. You will also want to make sure that your daughter's headboard (the top of her head) is facing one of her 4 favorable directions, preferably her baby sleep-health-direction. In addition, her room should be minimalistic in furnishings with soft colors and decor items. DO NOT use primary colors in her room... as her brain and body cells need to relax and rejuvenate.

The Five Elements can be brought into an environment using pastel shades of the element... for example: FIRE can be pink, lavender, dusty rose, peach and/or mauve. It's also important to balance the five elements in her room as well. I also recommend an EM pendant for her to wear during the day, and a Clear Wave clock in her bedroom to shield her from radiation. If you balance her living environment, I believe you will see visible evidence of improvement in your daughter's health. (Visit www.ChiQuiz.biz to find out your Feng Shui Element and best directions).

Friday, May 21, 2010

Feng Shui Numerology

TRUTH: Every number COUNTS!

From a "classical" Feng Shui perspective, each number represents a specific element.

Number 1 is the element WATER
Number 2 is the element EARTH
Number 3 is the element WOOD
Number 4 is the element WOOD
Number 5 is the element EARTH
Number 6 is the element METAL
Number 7 is the element METAL
Number 8 is the element EARTH
Number 9 is the element FIRE

The numbers 1, 4, 6, 8, and 9 are the most positive numbers in Classical Feng Shui, The most auspicious numbers are 8 and 9. The number 8 is about present money and wealth. Number 9 is about future money and fortune!

TIP: The reason why the number "4" is typically considered bad luck in Feng Shui is that it sounds like the word "death" in the Chinese language. Nonetheless, it is still considered a positive number when calculating the "unseen" energy inside a structure!

INTENTION: I vibrate with all numbers in a positive and productive way. All elements and numbers support me, even the number 4!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Feng Shui in the Bedroom

Question: If a room (bedroom) is completely outside the bagua how do I bring it into the bagua with mirrors (placed inside or outside the room) and does this change the placement of the bagua?

Answer: If a room is outside the Ba-gua then it is considered an "extension" of that gua area. Mirrors are not necessary. An extension is a GOOD thing in Feng Shui as it expands the gua area it protrudes from, thus it does not require a remedy. Enjoy the blessings it brings you!

Question: What is the best color to paint my bedroom?

Answer: Believe it or not, there is no easy or single correct answer to this question. In Feng Shui the goal is to balance 5 elements in every room. To paint all walls of a room "one" color throws the other four elements out of balance. An accent wall can be fine as long as the room in the house does not call for the opposite element/color!

Thus I believe it's best to play safe and leave sleep areas soft and neutral, ranging from any shade of white or off white, to a tone of beige. If color is important to you, you can also use a pastel shade on the wall, or add your favorite color through decor items such as window coverings, bedspread, pillows, throws, candles, and/or artwork. The ultimate goal in a bedroom, is to create a balanced environment (elementally) that allows your body energy to benefit from a peaceful nights rest.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Feng Shui vs. Superstition

TRUTH: Most of what you think Feng Shui is... IS NOT!

Crystal balls, frogs, Fu dogs, dragons, turtles, laughing Buddhas, special pebbles, red envelopes, flutes, immortal figurines (Fuk, Luk & Sau), Ba-gua mirrors, coins, red streamers etc. are part of Chinese tradition and culture, not Feng Shui. The Chinese, by nature, are superstitious people and believe objects and icons bring good or bad fortune.

Belief is a powerful dynamic. Thus objects & icons that belong to the Chinese culture, can bring peace, faith and even good fortune to those who believe in them. However to other cultures and religions, often times the opposite is true.

TIP: Less than 10% of the Chinese population in China, believe or practice any form of religion… not even Buddhism!

INTENTION: I appreciate the Chinese culture along with their beliefs and traditions. However, I am centered in TRUTH as the source of my prosperity and good fortune.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


"Business has exploded for my husband and we haven't even finished implementing all your Feng Shui tips yet. We immediately turned his desk to where he is facing his power direction – and he finished top producer for 2nd quarter in his company at 200% to quota. BUSINESS IS FLOODING IN for him. We still have to do our garden Feng Shui, but we feel good energy and are both flooded with work. We are enjoying the fruits of our labor and Feng Shui!"

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Feng Shui and Balance

Question: I try every thing else in life, but nothing works. How can Feng Shui bring abundance and balance to my life?

Answer: Feng Shui is not the end all, but it certainly is the beginning of having it all! A balanced environment will support all of your dreams, goals and intentions. If it is abundance you are seeking, then learn what your Feng Shui element is and start honoring your power directions for success. You can click onto Free Element Report... to learn more about yourself!

Question: I know you recommend a black/charcoal door mat and red flowers at the door; however, if black represents water and red represents fire then wouldn't water put out fire as in the counter productive cycle?

Answer: Water and Fire represent Yin and Yang energy..."balance" at the front door. A balanced property acts like a magnet to pull in blessings and good fortune. You can use a RED pot & green plant, or a fountain instead of black mat, just as long as the elements Fire and Water are close to the mouth of Chi. I know Feng Shui can get confusing, especially if you have read more than one book on the subject!

You will not find the above enhancements in a bookstore, as it is solely my approach to lifting energy - gained from trial and error, and from helping Realtors and builders sell properties faster, using Feng Shui.

In our FENG SHUI EMPOWERMENT program you will learn 199 other important tips & techniques for your home or listing, and in our FENG SHUI CERTIFICATION course... close to ONE thousand important clues and truths!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Feng Shui and Elemental Energy

TRUTH: Everything in the Universe is ENERGY.

At the quantum level Feng Shui is about ENERGY. It is the study of how energy flows in, through and around our lives. “Feng” (wind), can either embrace life like a gentle breeze or destroy life like a Tornado or Hurricane. “Shui” (water), can be gentle like a stream, still like a lake or the destroyer of life like a Typhoon or Tsunami. The visible (water) and the invisible (wind) forces in nature cannot be destroyed, they can however be transformed.

TIP: Do not underestimate the visible and invisible forces of nature. For without water, you would die within days, and without wind (breath), you would die within minutes!

INTENTION: I am ONE with the visible and invisible forces of nature. I live life in balance, respectful of Mother Nature’s wind and water.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sha Chi

Question: How do I avoid bad chi that flows from an opening between two buildings? It faces directly at my door and also has sharp edges from the roof and corner of the building.

Answer: A lot depends on how close your home/building is located from the opening between the two other buildings. What you are describing is a poison arrow... a fast moving pathway of energy... that can wreak havoc with your health and finances.

The goal is to slow down "fast" energy and divert it, while not causing injury to your neighbors in the process. This is one of the few times I suggest using a mirror as remedy... a convex mirror... aimed at the pathway as well as boulders and shrubs in the landscape if possible to block and slow down the Chi. A wind chime located at the eve line is also an appropriate placement. A wind chime is used to disburse Sha Chi.

Question: We have been trying to sell our old home for over a year. We have built a new home a short distance away. The house is empty it is a beautiful older home with lots of beautiful woodwork. The front door faces West. What can I do to help move things along to sell the house?

Answer: Vacant houses are difficult to sell. They become SHA... stale, stuck chaotic energy. I suggest adding some items of furniture throughout the house, along with colorful towels, potpourri, candles and a few plants (silk or real), as well as artwork on the walls.

Buyers fall in love with a beautiful and peaceful way of life, not with structures/buildings. It is difficult for people, in general, to visualize a way of life in empty space. Also, houses appear smaller when vacant than when furnished. I suggest you do everything possible to bring LIFE back into your abandoned house... this includes color in the garden as well.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Feng Shui and Food

TRUTH: We are what we eat.

A healthy diet consists of 70% Yin and 30% Yang food. Or, in simple terms 70% alkaline and 30% acid. Yin/alkaline foods are predominantly fruits and vegetables, while Yang/acid foods include things like coffee, meat, cheese and dairy. Most people have Yang dietary habits. This imbalance can cause eventual dis-ease in the body. And, because we are what we eat, our diet can also cause dis-ease in our relationships, work, and in our lives as well. Yin energy is soft, gentle, receptive and penetratingly powerful. Thus too becomes the way of our lives when we eat more Yin, than Yang foods.

TIP: Acid Rock and Reggae are Yang energy, whereas Frank Sinatra and/or Classical music is Yin. Music is food for the soul; it either supports us or causes us eventual dis-ease as well.

INTENTION: I take responsibility for the health of my body temple. I am receptive to positive change that improves my health and well being. I accept that I AM what I eat, and what I listen to.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Feng Shui and Music

TRUTH: Music has the POWER to change your life.

Dr. Ronald Jones PhD., a former top consultant to NASA, discovers frequencies in music that can put the brain in a state of peak performance and optimize the flow of energy in the body. When the music plays in the environment there is a reduction of stress, improved mental performance, focus, creativity, and an increase in physical strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination and balance.

Tip: Playing “harmonizing” music while you work and relax increases the flow of CHI… positive life force energy… in your life, work and affairs.

Intention: I reduce stress and fatigue by harmonizing my body, mind & spirit with music that EMPOWERS my life and career.