
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


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QUESTION: Which is stronger: the gua or the structure, that is, if a person has 2 choices between a room that is in a stronger location with a sitting or facing problem or a second room with sitting and facing strengths, but in a weak area for the gua, which is preferable?

ANSWER: For clarification - the "sitting direction" of a building is the most important consideration in Classical Feng Shui; it can affect you physically, mentally, emotionally. socially and/or financially in either positive or negative ways. Thus if the "sitting direction" is one of your favorable directions, it lessens the effect of everything else related to one's floor plan.

If an individual is able to sleep and work in a favorable gua area it's definitely a PLUS as well. HOWEVER, given the the choice of a favorable GUA verses using one's best directions for work and sleep, irrespective of the sitting direction of a structure, I advocate honoring supportive directions first and foremost.

QUESTION: Why have I not sold a home in over 3 years? I have prepared contracts and none of them CLOSED! I AM PERPLEXED & BEWILDERED LIKE SOMETHING IS NOT IN ORDER AND I NEED HELP!!!

ANSWER: Without knowing your "personal" Feng Shui Element - the inherent weaknesses and strengths - many factors could come into play. However, I would start first with the Feng Shui of your home and garden, as you take this energy with you wherever you go. Next, consider working a defined business plan. I find that REALTORS without a vision and mission fail, time and again, while their peers who have them .. SUCCEED.

QUESTION: Is it possible to Feng Shui a gaming center located within a grocery store? The owner of the gaming center does not own the building or the land just leases the space that the gaming center is located in.

ANSWER: A signed lease is the equivalent "energy" of ownership in Feng Shui, thus the answer is YES.


Now, not later, is the accepted time for my HEALTH, HAPPINESS and SUCCESS!

Ask a Feng Shui QUESTION of your own at www.AskSuzee.com