
Monday, November 8, 2010

No Separation in ENERGY

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TOPIC: There is No Separation in ENERGY

FENG SHUI TRUTH: Feng Shui is not about astrology, superstition, religion, philosophy nor is it an occult practice. Feng Shui is the study of ENERGY and how energy impacts our lives, relationships, health, listings, careers and the world at large.

If we accept the theory that we live in a Holographic Universe with no separation in "visible and invisible" energy, then we must also acknowledge and accept that fear, anger, jealousy, hatred and/or indifference towards life, our partners, and brothers and sisters on the planet - is what will be mirrored back to us.

Thus, when we court "negative" energy whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual or mental, our environment becomes a fertile breeding ground for hardship, anxiety, conflict, war and problems of every nature.

Likewise, if we live with sharp, uncomfortable or shabby furnishings, chaos, dissonant music, loud noise, offensive odors, and other irritating elements in our environment (Sha Chi), our lives and communication will eventually mirror the same.

On the other hand, when we free ourselves of toxic clutter in our internal and external environment, and surround ourselves with POSITIVE life force... we also give other people and countries permission to do the same thing as well... as there is NO SEPARATION in ENERGY!

FENG SHUI TIP: For the next 7 days, "monitor" your thoughts, conversation, tone of voice, and actions, and "listen carefully" to what YOU are trying to tell YOU... about your life and the world.

FENG SHUI INTENTION: I create PEACE, HARMONY AND BALANCE in everything I say, act and do. I take responsibility for the quality of my life, relationships and the world at large.

Dear Suzee,

I am very happy we spoke yesterday. It's amazing how natural it feels to me regarding the new business approach we discussed and my developing product line; all wonderful changes in my life. Our conversations, have empowered me to move forward with clear understandings, renewed passion and inspiring visions, every time we speak. I look forward to our next consultation.

Linda Little
Business Entrepreneur