
Friday, June 11, 2010

The Number Nine and Feng Shui

TRUTH: Nine enhances any number it is with, thus it is the most important number of all.

The number 8, to the Chinese, represents present money and wealth. The number 9 represents future money – continued wealth and abundance.

If you have space available for a fish pond outside or an aquarium inside, add 9 goldfish or Koi/Carp, of which 8 should be red and gold and 1 black. (multi-colors are fine for salt water aquariums) The purpose of the one black fish is that it will attract all that is negative or undesirable. Do not worry if a fish dies. It is believed that the fish that dies absorbs "bad luck" intended for one of the occupants. Black represent “Career” and gold, red & reflective colors represent “Fame and Fortune”. Which do you think is more important to the Chinese - career or fame and fortune?

TIP: DO NOT keep fish in the following areas: bathrooms, bedrooms (2 gold fish are okay), or kitchen as the belief is they will create material loss.

INTENTION: My good Reputation precedes me wherever I go in life. I am a Magnet for Fame, Fortune and Wealth!